C7. First Assignment

Start from the beginning

If I was his age, I'd say that it was sort of handsome but since I am a student I'd say that it's scary; his look held authority in it, and I was jealous of the fact that he can have so much confidence just because of some award he got years ago.

"Ah, maybe I was born to meet you instead!" Someone pulls my hand in theirs and I turn my head to see a blond man who has sparkles surrounding his figure as he stared into my eyes. "Do you want to talk all night in my Auberge?"

"Ah, chef Donato-senpai," I shook his hand in ease, "It's a real pleasure to be meeting you," I tell him, my face was blank yet I was confuse on the inside on why he wanted to meet a student like me.

"Let her hand go as well, chef Gotouda."

"Wait... Isn't that Hinako Inui-senpai?!!"

The blond lets me go and walks away, a sigh escaped my lips as the uneasiness left my body.

"I'm sorry. He made you have such a scary experience...." As if in pain, Inui-senpai frowns. "By the way, you're cute like a student I saw from earlier," a gentle smile graced her face and I felt a sense of easiness in me in her smile.

"Nice to meet you, Inui-senpai," I voiced out my thoughts, shaking her hand in return.

"Hinako!! Chapelle-sensei is glaring at you! Come back here right now!!"

Inui-senpai looks away from me and to the man that called her. "Maybe you should stop by on my shop for a day... Fufufu.." She chuckled and walked away like Donato-senpai, going back to the stage where the rest of the alumni chefs were.

"Huh? What was that all about?" Yukihira nudged my side, not giving a glance my way.

"... I don't really know. But look, chef Doujima-senpai is coming up stage!" I whispered back at him, my eyes following Doujima-senpai's movements.

Chapelle-sensei hands Doujima-senpai the microphone and nodded at him.

"Welcome to Tootsuki Resort," Doujima-senpai starts off, "The alumni that gathered here today have their own shops; so for the six days of this training camp, they'll be treating you like you were an employee of theirs," he says with a blank face, yey he was still scary. "Do you all understand what this means?" He questions us, "People whose work cannot satisfy us.... We'll be fired," the male acts as if he was slicing his throat, and smirks when us students reacted to it.

"... I believe I can handle that.."

"As you could see, you may be forced to leave immediately depending on the lecturers' discretion. Well then, I wish you all the best of luck!!" He ends his talk right there, turning the microphone off.

"Everyone, start moving!!"

"See you all!!" Yoshino, with a peace sign and her tongue sticking out cutely, bids goodbye to us. She walks out of the hall, not wanting to miss her class.

"I guess so.." Ibusaki shrugs his shoulders coolly, following where Yuuki went.

"Yeah!! We're having a card tournament in Marui's tonight!" Exclaimed Yukihira, balling his hands into fists as he grinned at the remaining people who were with him in his dorm.

"Seriously?! Do you all have to gather in my room in a trip like this as well?!" Marui was about to protest, pushing his glasses upwards.

"It's the dorm's traditions, Marui. You can't break it just like that, you know?" I swept a part of my bangs sideward, and creased my clothes straight.

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