"You're smiling again." I smiled at him and he nodded. "I really like the name Maxwell, by the way. It's really interesting."

"I like it too. John picked it." Freddie rubbed his bump. He stopped on one spot for a really long time and his face contorted.

"What's wrong? Why are you making that face?" I panicked.

"It's fine, it's fine, he's just kicking and he's being very rough in there." Freddie breathed out and he grabbed my hand. The kid was kicking like crazy.

"Oh no way! That's really cool!" I gasped when I felt the kick. It was interesting but it felt like it would hurt him a little bit. "Hi Maxwell, it's uncle Rogie." I cooed. "So how are you going to feed him? With your boobs? Chrissie fed Jimmy with her boobs." I went back up to the pillows and I laid next to Freddie.
"WITH WHAT BOOBS WOULD I FEED HIM WITH? ENLIGHTEN ME, PLEASE, ROGER TAYLOR!" He yelled through a laugh when he lifted his shirt to show me his chest.
"So you won't have to wear one of those bras that Chris wore that were supposed to stop leaking or whatever happens?" I asked.

"No, Roger, I don't lactate like a woman does. Everything on the top and outside is completely male, the bottom and inside are what's like a females." The older man patted my hand. "Plus, having no boobs would make the bra pointless, right?" He giggled.

"Thank God. You'd look funny in a bra." I giggled. "I'm going to teach Max how to play the drums, alright? I'm assuming that he'll play the bass and piano because of you and John but I'm going to teach him how to drum. Drumming is what gets the ladies." I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Roger, honey, I love you but if you teach my child how to play the drums, I'll have to kill you." He glared at me.

"What else can I teach him then? His favorite uncle has to teach him something!" I whined. "Swimming? Biking? Walking? Talk-" I was cut off by Freddie's hand covering my mouth.

"I'm going to go have a nap in the living room, on the pullout. You can continue this conversation with John, okay?" He kissed my head and walked out.

I made him feel better!

- John's POV -

I was still pissed about everything. Freddie and I went on vacation to relax, not to be stalked by the press. I was going to find whoever did this and make their life hell, I had to, I had to do it for my boyfriend and my child.

My head was still rested on my arms when Freddie walked in, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed the nape of my neck.
"Hi." I whispered when I turned to face him. "How're you feeling?" I asked.

"I have to be fine. I can't change what they did." Freddie sighed. "How are you?" He asked when I stood up.
"Pissed." I frowned. "I'm going to find whoever did that and make sure that they are kicked out of future tours. Okay?" I intertwined my fingers with his.

"You don't have to do that, John. People were going to find out anyways." My boyfriend gave me a weak smile. "Anyways, I'm going to sleep on the pullout." Freddie said when his kissed me on the lips. "Roger wants to talk about Max and I said that you'd talk to him." This arse!

"What-what do we talk about? I don't know much about Maxwell, he's only moved for me a couple times!" I exclaimed when my boyfriend pulled the mattress out from the couch.

"He was talking about what he was going to teach Maxwell. Make sure that he doesn't talk about teaching him how to drum, Max isn't drumming." He glared when he laid on the bed.

"Okay. Have a good sleep." I laughed then I walked down the hallway to our bedroom.

When I walked into the room, Roger was pressing on the small of his back and hissing.

"What's wrong, Rog?" I asked when I put the suitcases back on the bed.

"N-nothing. I fell down the stairs and I think I bruised my back." Roger was such a bloody liar!

"Are you sure?" He nodded. "Roger, don't lie to me. Did something happen between you and Paul? Does he hurt you?" I threw the dirty clothes into a laundry basket.

"Why would you think that something happened with Paul?" The older man raised an eyebrow at me while he folded the clean clothes.
I wanted to tell him that I was with Paul, I really did but something inside of me told me to shut up and not ruin what made him happy.

"Never mind, it's nothing." I sighed. "Do you want to go and sleep on the pullout with Freddie? There's loads of room on the mattress and there's another couch, you can sleep on either or. We can finish unpacking tomorrow while we clean out the spare room." I suggested.
"Sure. It'll be like a sleepover!" Roger clapped.
He replied rather quickly, it seemed like he wanted to be out of his flat. Was Paul really hurting him or did he actually fall down the stairs?

A/N: I got home sooner than expected so here's the update!

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