Chapter 38

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It had been a long month and a half for Tyler. Between the Bruins falling to the Blackhawks in the Stanley cup playoffs and Hadley moving back to Brampton, he didn’t think things could get much worse – too bad he was wrong. Not long after the Bruins’ season ended, Tyler got a call he wasn’t expecting – he had been traded.

“Tyler, you seriously have some explaining to do. You need to call me –”

Tyler groaned and threw back a shot after deleting Candace’s voicemail. He already knew she was going to talk his ear off about Hadley. Tyler knew he messed things up between Hadley and he already accepted the fact that he was to blame for their relationship ending the way it did.

The past month and a half have been a period for coping and he was doing it the only way he knew how to – by drinking. He sent out a mass text out to every contact in his phone and let the alcohol in his system do the rest.

Getting ready to do another round of shots with a few of his “friends” his phone started to vibrate in his pocket.

“Sorry guys, I got to take this.”

Walking away from the kitchen, he moved toward the front door to take the call outside where it wasn’t as loud. Weaving through the many bodies that swamped his house, he reached the front hallway before being caught by a tiny brunette. She grinded on him briefly and he simply ignored her pass at him and continued to make his way to the door. Fishing his phone from his pocket, he saw that it was Candace who called him – again.

“What do you want, Candace?”

“I want to know what the fuck you’re doing.”

“Sorry mom, I didn’t know I had to get your permission to throw a party.” he retorted.

“Do you see yourself right now? Because I’m seeing so much shit about you on instagram. What the hell are you doing?”

“Well if you couldn’t tell, I’m hosting a house party.” he spit out sarcastically. “And I’m being a bad host right now by ignoring my guests.”

“You honestly think any of those people actually care about you? Tyler, they’re all using you! I knew you were upset about being traded, but come on Tyler, you’re better than this. Hadley said so herself.”

Tyler felt his heart constrict in his chest at the very sound of her name. “You’ve talked to Hadley?”

“None of us stopped talking to her, Ty. You know, despite her moving back to Brampton she still cares about you.”


“And she even told me that that will never change. If you could just grow up and take yourself and your career more seriously, maybe –”

“Candace, my relationship with Hadley is none of your business! I know I messed up and I’ve accepted that she let me! I’m reminded about it every time I go to bed and smell her strawberry shampoo on her pillow. You don’t understand the hell I’ve been going through because I messed up one of the greatest things I had in my life. I could imagine spending the rest of my life with her, but I royally fucked up!”

The line was quiet as Tyler steadied his breathing. He didn’t mean to yell at Candace like that, but he was honestly just mad – more at himself than her.

“I know you guys haven’t talked since she left, but I just thought I’d let you know that she’s doing fine.”

“Better than me?” he chuckled half-heartedly as he took a seat on the front steps.

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