Chapter 4

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Weeks had passed since Hadley spent the weekend with the Seguin family. After staying with the close family, she found it hard to adjust to being alone in her house again. “Hello?” Hadley picked up her phone that was ringing on the kitchen table.

“Miss Sinclair, how are you?”

Shit. Hadley began to panic hearing her professor’s voice on the phone. “I’m well,” she had to breathe to stay calm. “How are you?”

 “I’m doing just fine. I was wondering if you were available sometime this week. I would like to talk to you before you leave for break.”

“I don’t have any classes tomorrow. Can I stop by then?” She fiddled with the pen she was currently holding in between her fingers.

“That would be just perfect. I will see you tomorrow after classes.”

Hadley said goodbye to her professor and set the phone back down on the table. She couldn’t imagine what he wanted to talk about, but she hoped it wasn’t anything bad. She wasn’t in the mood for anything else in her life to go wrong.

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The next day, Hadley found herself keeping busy by getting ahead on her studies. She had exams the next week and then after that she was out for her winter break.

“Hey Jackie, it’s Hadley. I’m sorry to be doing this last minute. I was going to call last night but it was already late. I can’t pick up Cassidy to bring her to practice. I have to meet with a professor and I can’t miss it. I’m so sorry and I owe you.” Hadley left the message on Jackie’s phone. As she walked into the science building that housed her professor’s office, she felt uneasy. She had been at the school for a year and she was never summoned by any of her professors before.

Hadley walked down the empty corridor before stopping outside a wooden door. She knocked once and her professor’s voice on the other side told her to come in.

“Hi Professor Ross, you needed to see me?”

He nodded and motioned for her to have a seat. Hadley settled into the chair and crossed her legs. It was a nervous habit.

“Hadley, I know you’ve had a rough year. You had to leave a good school to come back home to go to community college. I have seen a lot of students over the years go through my class, but then you came along.”

“I swear if it’s about my grades I – ”

He chuckled. “No, no, your grades are fine. You’re the best student I have ever taught. I called you here because I may have a potential job offer for you.” Hadley’s ears perked up at the word job. “Well not a job, but an opportunity. You have expressed your interest in sports medicine and I know a few people who have spots open for internships.”

“An internship?”

He nodded. “The internship is nowhere near here though.” He slid a booklet that was maroon and gold. It had the words “Boston College” written across the middle of it in bold, white lettering. “It’s a stretch from here, but if you’re interested the spot is yours. You don’t have to give me an answer now, you can think about it over the course of the week. But you would be crazy to turn down an offer like this.”

Hadley looked down at the book that she held in her hands. “Thank you, sir.” She smiled and stood up from her seat. “I will get back to you soon.”

“I’ll be waiting for your call.” He stood up as well and reached out to shake her hand. “Really think about it. It could change your life.”

“I will. Thank you so much.” 

She gathered her things and left his office. The folder was still in her hand as she left the building. It wasn’t going to be an easy decision, but her professor was right. Her decision could change her life. She knew it was going to change her life.

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“Hadley, sweetie, are you alright?” Jackie asked shocked seeing the brunette at her front door so late at night.

“Can I talk to you? I need some advice.”

Jackie smiled and moved aside to let her in. “What’s on your mind?”

“A lot,” Hadley sighed as Jackie led her to the kitchen. “You know how I couldn’t drive Cassidy to the rink because I had to talk to my professor?”

“Yeah, is everything okay?” She asked concerned.

Hadley slid the maroon and gold folder across the table. Jackie stopped it and flipped it around so that it was upright. A smile spread across Jackie’s face. “Boston College? That’s great!”

“He said he had a friend down in Boston who was willing to take in one of his students to mentor, if that’s the right word to use.”

“Did you say yes?” Jackie asked getting excited.

“I said I would think about it.” Hadley said sheepishly. “Boston is a long way from Brampton. If I left, I would sell the house and stay in Boston.” She looked down at her hands. “I wouldn’t really have a reason to come home.”

Jackie placed her warm hands over Hadley’s cold ones. “You’re always welcome to come home.” She said. The word “home” in this case pointed to the Seguin household. “You’re practically here all the time and when you’re not here your just back at your house studying.”

Hadley sighed. “It’s not going to be easy leaving everything behind.”

“You’re not leaving anything behind. You may be leaving the house behind, but everything else you carry right here.” Jackie touched the spot above Hadley’s heart.

Hadley wiped a tear that fell from her eye and smiled at Jackie. “Thank you for all your help.” Hadley smiled and stood up to hug Jackie.

“It’s what I’m here for.” Jackie smiled and pulled Hadley into a warm, motherly embrace. As Jackie walked Hadley to the door, she had a hold on the phone in her jacket pocket. She was going to help Hadley make it to Boston and she knew just the person to help her out and he was on speed dial.

Jackie closed the door once Hadley left and pulled her phone out of her pocket so that she could make the quick call. She pressed her first speed dial and brought the phone to her ear. On the second ring a tired voice answered the phone.

“What’s wrong, mom?”

“Tyler, I need a favor.” 

Unexpected || Tyler SeguinOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant