Chapter 15

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Tyler sat in the locker room as he got changed for practice. He had been in Boston for a week and he was finally getting reacquainted with his teammates. Things have been good, but he hadn’t heard from Hadley in a few days, which made him worry.

“Hey, can I have a roll of tape?” Shawn Thornton asked, nudging Tyler in the side.

Tyler stared at the floor totally ignoring Shawn.

“What’s with him?” Brad asked as he walked by, already fully geared up and ready to go.

“Beats me,” Shawn shrugged, catching a roll of tape that was thrown across the locker room for him. “He’s been sitting like that for the past ten minutes.”

Brad walked in front of Tyler and waved his hand in front of Tyler’s face. “Tyler,” He looked at the clock on the wall and saw that they had just a few minutes before they had to get on the ice. “Yo!”

Tyler blinked and looked at Brad. “What?”

“Do you plan on practicing today or –”

Tyler glanced at the clock and immediately pulled his shoulder pads over his head. “Goddamn,” he cursed as his teammates started filing out of the locker room.

“Let’s go Segs!” Andrew Ferrence yelled before the door closed.

If there was a record for how fast you could get dressed before practice started, Tyler would have beaten the record. He picked up his phone and sent Hadley a quick text before shoving his hands into his gloves and grabbing his stick.

He quickly walked from the locker room and hopped onto the ice where the rest of his teammates were warming up and stretching. “Just in time.” Patrice said nodding towards their coach who had just stepped onto the ice.

“Yeah,” he said, stretching out his arms and legs.

“You okay?” Patrice asked, getting to his feet. “You seem distracted.”

“I’m not distracted.” Tyler countered, looking up at his alternate captain.

Patrice just rolled his eyes. “Yeah, okay Segs.” He tapped his stick on the ice, signaling for the puck. He easily stopped the puck on the tape of his stick and shot it on net. “If it’s distracting you this much, it has to be important.”

Tyler stood up and adjusted his chin strap. He felt the need to explain himself to Patrice, but now wasn’t the time for it.

The sound of the coach’s whistle filled the empty rink and everything was forgotten – for now anyway.

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Hadley walked out of the Verizon store with her new activated iPhone in hand. She was phoneless for the past few days because Cassidy ended up playing target practice with her phone after practice one day. Needless to say, Cassidy had better aim than Hadley thought.

When she turned on her phone, her inbox was filled with messages. There were a few from Jackie, a handful from Candace, and a shit ton from Tyler. She smiled scrolling through her messages.

From: Ty

You okay? I haven’t heard from you in a few days. Please call me.

Hadley felt bad she hadn’t tried to call him. She quickly walked across the parking lot and jumped into her car.

To: Ty

Sorry, your sister broke my phone. You’re probably in practice, but call me later. I need to talk to you.

Unexpected || Tyler SeguinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora