Chapter 9

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It had been a long process, but Hadley managed to finish moving into the apartment. She had fresh, warm sheets on the once bare mattress and her clothes filled the closet to the brim. Hadley stayed up late the night before just so she could be done with it. It was around eight and she was already awake and drinking a big mug of hot tea. “Morning,” Tyler’s voice came from behind her.

She had her mug to her lips when she turned around to face him. When Hadley saw that he was just wearing nothing but sweatpants, she started to choke on her tea.

“You okay?” Tyler asked turning his attention away from the contents of his fridge.

Hadley wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Uh, yeah,” she coughed. “There was just a bug in the sink.” She mentally slapped herself.

“Oh, did you want me to kill it?” Tyler asked amused.

“Oh, um, no!” She looked at her mug of tea and poured it into the sink. “Killed it!” God I am such a dork! Hadley thought as she awkwardly stood by the sink.

Tyler pulled the carton of eggs out of the fridge and set them down on the counter. “Do you want some eggs?” He asked. When he didn’t get a response he turned around to see Hadley in a daze. “Hadley,”

She shook her head to look at him. “Sorry what did you say?”

He chuckled and pointed to the carton of eggs. “Did you want some eggs?”

Hadley blushed. “Sure,” her grip on the countertop was so tight it caused her knuckles to turn white. Sweet Lord Jesus, help me!

Tyler started pulling pans out from underneath the counter. He was crouched down, giving Hadley a good view of his ass, when he asked, “Do you like your eggs scrambled?”

“Excuse me?”

“Your eggs,” Tyler pointed to the carton of eggs again. “How do you like them?”

“Oh god,” Hadley put her hand on her face. “Scrambled is fine.” She assured him.

Tyler chuckled as he subtlety gave her body a once over. He never truly appreciated yoga pants until Hadley stood in the kitchen of his apartment in tight, barely-there yoga shorts. “You okay?” He asked with an amused tone.

“Yeah,” Hadley felt her face cool down from blushing. “I’m just going to change.” She said as Tyler turned on the oven.

“Okay,” he called after her as she retreated to her room.

When Hadley was in the security of her room, she flopped back on the covers of her bed and pulled a pillow over her face to scream into it.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Candace threw her head back with laughter as Hadley told her what happened that morning. “It’s not funny!” Hadley protested.

Jackie pursed her lips to keep from laughing and Cassidy was giggling right alongside her sister. “You so have the hots for our brother.” Cassidy burst into laughter as Candace gasped for air.

“Make it stop! It hurts!” Candace held her side as she continued to laugh.

Hadley slumped down in her seat. “It’s not funny! It’s so embarrassing!” She covered her face with her hands.

“You’re pretty,” Jackie said with a smile. Probably just to cover up the face she wanted to laugh too. “You should be used to being around boys by now.”

Hadley laughed. “Yeah, well usually when I talk to boys they are wearing clothes and their not attractive.”

Candace wiped away a tear that had rolled down her cheek from laughing so hard. “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad.” She tried to assure Hadley.

“You weren’t there.” Hadley said, cringing at the memory of what was her morning. “It was horrible.”

Cassidy just put her arm around Hadley and pulled her into her side. “Want me to put in a good word for ya?”

The three Seguin ladies started to laugh when they saw Hadley blush. “Excuse me,” she flagged down their waitress. The girl barely got to their table when Hadley practically screamed, “Check please!”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Although Tyler was scheduled to leave for Boston any day now, he felt the need to go grocery shopping, if not for him than for Hadley. He aimlessly walked up and down the aisles until he got to the aisle with the tea. “Ooo,” he looked at some of the flavors and tossed a few boxes into his basket.

He had put four boxes of different flavors of tea into the basket. When he reached out to look at another flavor, he felt a small body run into him. “I’m so sorry!” The girl squealed overdramatically.

Tyler grimaced at the shrill pitch of the girl’s voice. “It’s fine.” He said not too concerned because he knew she meant to do it.

“Tyler,” the bleached blonde girl looked totally offended. “It’s me!”

Tyler looked at her. She looked a little familiar, but most girls did. “I’m sorry, I don’t know you.”

She laughed. “We dated back in our Senior year of high school.”

Shit. He thought. “Kathryn?” Tyler looked at her again and finally recognized her. Her hair used to be brown in high school, but she had gone through a complete transformation.

“How’ve you been?” Kathryn asked, throwing herself at him for a hug, which he didn’t return.

“Oh, I’ve been good.” He felt uncomfortable, for the first time, at a girl throwing herself at him. “Yeah, I got home from Switzerland two days ago and I’ve spent the past few days – ” he felt bad for doing this to Hadley, but he had to get Kathryn off of him. “With my girlfriend.” He breathed a sigh of relief when Kathryn took a step back from him.

“A girlfriend? I wasn’t even sure you knew what those were.” Kathryn mused. “Anyone I know?”

“Yeah, actually she was in our graduating class. Her name’s Hadley.”

Kathryn’s eyes went wide. “Hadley, as in Hadley Sinclair?” She asked incredulously. “The goody-goody?”

“Yeah,” Tyler couldn’t read Kathryn’s expression. She was either mad or thinking, but the more he thought about it she was probably seething.

“Oh,” she shrugged it off. “Well, if you and Hadley aren’t busy tomorrow night, I’m having party before everyone goes back to school." She pulled out a piece of paper and pen and wrote her address on it. “I don’t think you’ll need my address, but just in case you forgot it.” She slipped the slip of paper into the pocket of his flannel plaid shirt. “See you then.” She said in a low tone trying to sound sexy. Tyler cringed and turned to walk in the other direction that Kathryn had gone. Hadley is going to kill me. He thought as he made his way to the checkout line. 

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