Chapter 2

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“Mom,” Tyler walked into his childhood home and dropped his bags by the door. “I’m home.”

Jackie walked out of the kitchen, wiping her hands with a dish towel. “It’s about time!” She smiled, walking over to give her son a hug.

Tyler turned his attention to the stairs after his mom let go. He could hear footsteps stampeding towards him. He braced himself when his two sisters bounded towards him. Tyler stumbled back a couple steps before the two girls let go of him. “How’s Switzerland?” Cassidy asked looking up at her older brother.

“Different,” he answered. “But I like it.”

“I’m happy you’re finally home!” She cheered happily as Tyler bent down so she could hop onto his back.

“Believe me. I’m happy to be home.”

Cassidy, Candace, and Tyler sat in the living room flipping through the channels on the TV while Jackie tore through the kitchen getting things ready for Thanksgiving. The three were just getting comfortable when the doorbell rang. Candace groaned. “Cass, you get it.”

Cassidy looked at Tyler who gave her a look that said he wasn’t going to move. She sighed and stood up. When she opened the door, a smile instantly broke out across her face. “Hadley!”

Hadley smiled at Cassidy before giving her a quick hug. “Thanks again for doing this.”

“Seriously, it’s nothing.” Cassidy said before letting her in. “Did you find our house okay?”

“Yeah, you actually live closer than I thought.” Hadley laughed a little before Cassidy told her she could leave her bags by the stairs. Hadley did as she was told and followed the tiny blonde into the kitchen where her mom stood making sure everything was where it needed to be.

“Mom, Hadley’s here.”

Jackie looked up and instantly dropped what she was doing. “Hadley, I’m so happy you made it!” She walked over to hug her. “Candace, come here!” Jackie yelled when she pulled away from Hadley.

“What –” Candace walked into the kitchen and stopped when she saw Hadley. For the first time since she woke up that morning, Candace smiled. “Hadley! Oh my God, I haven’t seen you in forever!” She practically ran over to hug her. “How are you?”

Hadley laughed as she stumbled back into some cabinets. Her arms wrapped around her old teammate and friend. “I’ve been good. Everything’s slowly getting better.” Her lips curled into a small smile when their black lab ran into the kitchen before jumping on her so she would pet him.

“Rude,” Cassidy held the dog by his collar to keep him from jumping on Hadley.

“It’s fine,” she laughed. “I love dogs.”

“Well that’s good since Marshall is wandering around here somewhere.” Jackie sighed and looked at her two daughters. “Cass, can you show Hadley to the guest room?”

 “Yeah sure,” she said as the three girls walked to get Hadley’s things.

“So you’re here for the weekend?” Candace asked giddily.

“Pretty much,” Hadley picked up her duffle bag and allowed the girls to lead her upstairs. The guestroom was across from Cassidy’s room and diagonally across from Candace’s.

“Okay, so just a warning, the bathroom is shared between the guest room and Tyler’s room.” Cass gave her friend a sad smile. “But don’t worry. Tyler shouldn’t be weird about sharing it for a weekend.”

“Oh, okay.” Hadley dropped her duffle bag onto the bed. “I’ll be down in a sec.” She called to the two sisters. They probably didn’t hear her, but this was the only place she’d be. Hadley ran her hands through her dark brown hair before pulling it back with a dark elastic band. She walked into the bathroom and splashed some cold water onto her face to wake her up a bit. She had bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep she’s gotten in the past couple of days. After she dried herself off and took a few deep breaths, she went to go back downstairs. When she left the bathroom, she was startled when she turned the corner and bumped into someone. Hadley stumbled back a few steps before looking at who she ran into. “I’m sorry.” She said quickly before walking right past Tyler.

Tyler turned around with a confused look on his face. “It’s okay.” He said to himself as he watched the small brunette disappear down the stairs. 

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