Chapter 32

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“Hadley, babe, you’ve been like this all day.” Tyler gently placed his hands on her shoulders and firmly squeezed the tense area of muscle.

“Babe,” Hadley groaned. “I have exams coming up and I’m nowhere near ready.” Tyler’s hands slowly slid down Hadley’s front, but she immediately swatted them away. “Oh no you don’t! You’ve done this to me three times this week already.”

“Hadley, you’re stressing yourself out right now. And it’s not good for you or our daughter.” Tyler walked around the edge of the couch and grabbed her hands, pulling her up so that her body was pressed into his. “Besides,” Tyler smirked as he placed butterfly kisses on the side of her neck. “I never heard you complain about it once.”

Hadley smacked him lightly on his chest. “Just let me study and maybe I wouldn’t be so stressed.”

“You need a break.” Tyler encircled his arms around Hadley’s waist and slowly began to walk backwards. “I believe we have two hours before you have to go to class.”

“Tyler,” Hadley eyed her smirking boyfriend before he swiftly swooped her up and over his shoulder in one motion. “Tyler, I have to study!”

“We are studying. You take anatomy, right?” He laughed as Hadley smacked his ass before he kicked the door to the bedroom shut behind them.

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“Hadley, you still haven’t talked to him?” Carrie shook her head as she picked her cup of coffee off the bar. Hadley decided last minute to meet up with Carrie after class because she hadn’t had time for herself or anyone else for the past few months.

“I honestly don’t know if it’s really important.”

Carrie scoffed. “And yet you always have something to say to me after class.”

“The timing is just off. Tyler and the boys are gearing up to go into the playoffs. Besides, I don’t want to be that insecure girlfriend. I don’t have to know about him and his past – uh, girlfriends.”

“You don’t have to or you don’t want to hear about his past flings?”

Hadley took a long pull of her tea before setting the cup back down on the table they were currently sitting at.  “Fine, if you were in this situation with Dougie, what would you do?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know. But not voicing your feelings isn’t doing you two any good.”

Hadley looked into Carrie’s blue eyes and immediately knew she was referring to her and the baby. “I’ll talk to him.”

“When?” Carrie presses.

“After he gets back from his road trip.”

Hadley sighed and realized that it would be at least two or three days before Tyler would be home. It wasn’t much of a road trip, but the Bruins were set to play the Ottawa Senators in their last game of the season.

Placing a hand on her growing baby bump, Hadley raised her cup to her lips and finished off the rest of her tea. It was becoming hard for her to keep her emotions in check and it wasn’t just because of her insecurities. It was definitely time to talk to Tyler about something she’s been putting off since they started dating.  

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