Chapter 36

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Hadley pulled the car into the driveway and put it into park before letting out a heavy breath she didn’t even know she was holding in. It had been just over a week since she left the house. The atmosphere was heavy around her as she shut the car door and went to open the front door. Tyler’s car wasn’t in the driveway, which meant he stayed after morning skate or he went out to lunch with the guys.

The house was so quiet that it was unsettling. A small smile tugged at her lips when she heard the soft jingle of Marshall’s dog tags. “Hey buddy,” Hadley leaned forward slightly so she could scratch him behind the ears.

Marshall wagged his tail, sitting contently at her feet. She laughed lightly before looking up the stairs. “Come on, let’s go upstairs!” she smiled as Marshall readily followed her up the stairs just on her heels.

The smile slowly fell from her lips as she stopped in front of the nursery. The door was closed and Hadley couldn’t get herself to open it. A tightness constricted in her chest remembering how long it took her and Tyler to find the right shade of yellow for the walls. Trying to find the perfect crib fit for their little princess.

A choked sob escaped Hadley’s lips. Raising her hand to her lips, she bit the cuff of her sweatshirt to keep from uncontrollably sobbing. Hadley didn’t know why she put off coming back to get the rest of her belongings – until now. She put it off because she wasn’t ready to face what she was leaving behind.

With her other hand, she wiped away the stray tear that rolled down her cheek. Taking in a steady breath, Hadley swallowed the lump in her throat and walked into her and Tyler’s old room. She just needed the rest of her clothes and then she could put everything behind her. Now that her exams were over, she could go home and get her life together.

Pulling her last suitcase out from the back of the closet, Hadley threw it down on the bed and began to open all her drawers in the dresser. Tyler was due home any minute and she really wasn’t looking to run into him on the way out.

“Bye bud,” she leaned down and rubbed Marshall behind the ears while he lounged on Tyler’s side of the king-sized bed. The closet her and Tyler used to share was now half empty and Hadley was ready to get away from everything for a while.

Just as she grabbed the suitcase handle in her hand, she heard the front door downstairs shut. Her heart stopped when she heard heavy footsteps quickly ascending the stairs. They got closer and closer until the door to the master bedroom swung open.


Hadley looked at Tyler and her heart immediately dropped into her stomach. She knew he just got out of practice, but he looked exhausted like he hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in weeks.

“Tyler, please just let me go.”

“Where have you been staying?” he asked quietly. “I went to the doctor’s office to see if I could meet you at your appointment, but they said you were transferring your files to a doctor in Brampton?”

“Yes, so what?” Hadley said softly yet firmly. “I’m going home. I’m done school for the summer. I’m done classes. And frankly, I need to get away from here.”

“So that’s it? I can’t be a part of our daughter’s life?” he asked clearly agitated.

“What?” Hadley asked taken back by his question. “Tyler, I would never do that to you.”

“Well, you’re leaving me!”

Hadley was shocked by what Tyler was saying. “Why are getting mad at me, Tyler? You cheated on me! You cheated on us!”

Hadley picked the suitcase up by the handle and took a steadying breath to calm her down. Her heart felt like it was racing out of her chest.

“How many times do I have to apologize? Hadley, I love you and our daughter.” Tyler reached out and caught Hadley’s forearm.

She shook her head in disbelief. “Well you should have thought about that before –” she braced a hand against her stomach when she felt a sharp pain shoot through her. “Before you –” Hadley couldn’t finish her statement as another stabbing pain jolted through her midsection. “Ow, fuck!” she screamed, doubling over in pain.

“Hadley, what’s wrong?”

Tears of pain rolled down her face. “Something’s n-not right.”

Tyler wiped her tears away before looking her in the eyes and saying, “You’re going to be okay, baby. Just relax. Everything’s going to be fine.”

Very slowly, Tyler picked Hadley up bridal style in his arms and carried her outside to his car. “Tyler, please hurry.” she whimpered as an unexpected contraction hit her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Four hours. Four hours of pain. Tears streamed down Hadley’s cheeks as nurses continued to monitor her vitals.

“Hadley, sweetie, we need you to try and relax. Can you do that for me?” one of the nurses asked her as the persistent beeping to her right side got louder and faster.

“Her heart rate’s dropping!”

Hadley felt tears stream down her cheeks, her whole body paralyzed and numb. “Where’s Tyler?” she asked weakly.

The nurses didn’t hear her as everyone was busy trying to stabilize not only Hadley but also the baby’s condition.

“Heart rate is dropping!”

Hadley could hear the heart monitor quickly starting to slow down. More tears ran down her cheeks, dropping onto the top of her hospital gown. Hadley laid in the hospital bed hysterical and hopeless as she listened to the heart monitor slowly stop beeping.

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