Chapyer 42.

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I opened my eyes, and looked around.

I could tell I was a vampire, because everything seemed clearer, I looked down at my skin, pure white.

I smiled, I was wearing what I had on that night when Caius bit me, a purple skirt, and a long sleeved white shirt.

My eyes scanned the room for my mate, Caius Volturi.

Finally, they landed on him, smiling and dressed in his usual black on black.

His white, blond hair was a mess and still to his shoulders.

His pale hand reached out and took mine in his, and his beautiful black eyes stared back at me.

I stopped as he placed me in front of the dresser mirror, I froze in place.

I looked different, from the other time I was a vampire.

My hair was a little longer past my shoulders, I was a little bit taller, and my eyes were red.

My clothes fit better, they were not loose, or too tight.

And my face, it was paler, real pale, like Caius's skin.

My hair was in curls in the bottom.

Caius smiled behind me, and whispered "You are so beautiful as a full vampire."

I stared at me and him in the mirror.

We fit together.

My cell phone rang and Caius was to it in a flash.

"Hello?" he asked "Yeah" he turned on the speaker "I can see you as a vampire, Cessyanna, you are so beautiful, not that you weren't already!" Alice squealed.

I laughed "Why thank you sister" I said, my voice had changed a little.

Caius smiled and put his arm around my waist.

"And you and Caius fit together like that. Oh my, I think I am really going to cry!" she joked, and said seriously.

I smiled.

" Oh Alice, don't do that, and thank you" I said, Caius kissed my cheek.

"As a full vampire my wife is beautiful, and Alice, you are on speaker" Caius said.

She laughed "So, are you" she sang.

We laughed at her and I heard "Hey aunt Cessy!" Nessie said, I smiled.

"Hey ness" I said.

"Caius! why didn't you change her at first?" Aro asked, they must still be in Volterra.

"We had a argument, But, its all good now" he assured Aro.

I hears Marcus next "Cessy, don't mind your husband, he can be a little mean sometimes."

I laughed, "Am not! Marcus, I wish you were here, I'd hit your head for saying that" Caius said, I laughed.

"Be nice, and how are you liking the married life. Cess? If he becomes mean, just tell me" that was Rose.

I laughed "Don't worry you guys, I will try to straighten him out" I said, he put his arm around me, and smiled.

They laughed "Well, we will let you two go, bye! Enjoy the rest of your time" Alice said, and hung up.

Me and Caius looked at each other,"Cessyanna Volturi ,I like it" he said, and placed his forehead on mine.

He kissed me slowly.

I smiled at him "I think I need to hunt" I said, he looked at me.

"Human, or animal?" he asked, and chuckled.

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