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Joy isn't a fan anymore. She forget all about bangtan. But theres still times that she couldn't help but hear somebody talking about the group. So all she can do is just wear her earphones when she's outside of their house because she knows that bangtan is so successful now and has a lot of fans. They group did grew so well.

She's not in busan now. She's in Seoul. She will be living there for good. It's been 4 months since she moved out. Her mother's family have a house here in Seoul that's why it's not hard for her to move. She seriously don't know if it's a good news or a bad news. Good news because she love Seoul and it's been a long time since she wanted to be here or bad news because bangtan is just everywhere.

She's walking at the street. Just enjoying the fresh air from Seoul. She just can't help herself but to feel so relax when she's outside. Not until a bus passed by her that made her stop from walking.

She's looking at the bus with his pictures. He looked so matured now with those fierce looks. He's really breathtaking.

14/12/30 생일축하해 김태형!
(Happy birthday, Kim Taehyung)

She opened her phone and see that it's really his birthday. She sighed and started walking again. As if she didn't see anything.

There's a little girl walking in front of her wearing a shirt with his face. Just like her shirt before but not the same as hers. The little girl caught her staring at her shirt so she walked towards Joy and smiled.

"Hello, eonnie."

Jungkook. She thought.

"Hello," She also smiled.

"Are you a fan of BTS? My bias is Taehyung. How about you?" Her smile faded and looked away. "Why, eonnie? Is something wrong? Tell me so I can help you." The little girl said.

"Why are you like this, cutie? You looked like a mature girl when you're talking. But well, I'm also a fan of BTS before. He's also my bias," Joy said while pointing at the little girl's shirt.

"Then that's good to hear! Oppa will be happy when he saw you. Wait." The little girl ran away from her and yelled his name.

It took that little girl a minute before she came back with someone holding her hand. They're both looking at Joy. But the guy who's with her is wearing a mask. But that doesn't mean Joy didn't recognized those eyes.

"Eonnie! I already told hyung that you're also his fan. Oppa, she's the girl I'm talking about. Do you know her?" Taehyung nodded and smiled.

"Of course,"

Joy looked at the little girl and smiled. "Thank you, little girl. But eonnie needs to go home now. My eomma will be mad at me when I'm late. Bye," She said and waved at the little girl.

She started walking away from them. She don't know why but she felt something in her hand. And that made her stop and looked at her back. She saw him. Holding her hand while looking at her.

"Joy, can we talk?" For the first time in forever, he called her name. Not in social media but in person.

"Why? To tell me to stay away from that little girl because I don't have the rights, because I shouldn't have talking to her because she don't want to talk to me too? Don't worry, we don't have to talk about it because I'm not going to talk to her again. And of course to stay away from you too."

Joy takes her hand away from Taehyung and stopped herself from looking at him.

"I want you to talk to me right now. Talk. Just like before. Please," Joy finally looked him again.

"No, Taehyung. Didn't I told you that if before I didn't mean saying 'goodbye', right now, I really mean it." She tried to walk away again but Taehyung stopped her.

"You told me before that you can't give me up just because. Where's that Joy then?"

"She's gone, Taehyung. Just like the account you did hurt is gone and will never be back." Taehyung hold her both hands.

"I'm so sorry, Joy. I'm sorry." Joy smiled at him and laughed. A sarcastic one.

"Oh you didn't know? The damage has been done. It's been a year, Taehyung. Move on," She said and didn't wait for him again to stop her and walk away.

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