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joy: omg tae

joy: i saw you!!!!

joy: youre with jungkook!

joy: omfg

joy: i know its really you!!

joy: the style of that guy looks like your style!

joy: im so happy rn taehyung

joy: i finally did see you

joy: and fck i cant deny the fact that you really look so good

joy: gosh taehyung

joy: if i could just hug you that time

joy: but i cant

joy: maybe next time

joy: the next time that im going to see you i will never let you go

joy: i'll hug and talk to you

taehyung: hmmm

joy: OMFG

joy: tae!!!

taehyung: yes?

joy: omygod.
11:11 PM

messages | taehyung (completed!!)Where stories live. Discover now