Spy: Merde. *cloaks and walks over to Heavy who was about to take a bite from his Sandvich. Takes the sandvich before he bites it*

Heavy: *takes a bite, only for there to be no Sandvich. Glares* Who took Sandvich?!?!

Spy: *his cloak is about to run out*

Me: *rushes over and takes the Sandvich from Spy just before he uncloaked* It was me! I just wanted a bite. *takes a small bite* mm! Yummy! Here you go! Sorry for not asking. *hands the Sandvich back*

Heavy: *smiles and takes sandvich* Is good.

Spy: *gives a grateful smile*

Me: *smiles back and lips: 'I got your six'* next question!

Scout: *still in closet*

KatDerp asks:

"*in the corner watching everyone* Uh...*Waves to Sniper and Medic*"

Medic: Hallo fraü! *waves and smiles back*

Sniper: *tips his hat* 'ello beautiful.

@-Miss-Jackson- asks:

"*Aradia is wheezing in the corner*"

Medic: Oh no! Are you sick? You should go lay down. *tries to help you to a bed*

@TheFallenKitty asks:

"I want to go to the park *changes into wolf form*

andddd 1. I dare CBS to spend an hour with sniper NO KILLING

2. Can I be you helper spy? *whimpers and hides my head in my tail* hehe"

Spy: Of course! Haha! I feel so liked!

Me: *giggles*

CPS: Come on zhen! Let's go! *spawns a portal and takes your hand. Walks through with you to a beautiful garden park*

CBS: *grunts and mumbles under his breath*

Sniper: *gulps*

CBS: C'mon. I'm not in the mood. *gets up*

Me: *thinks: 'There's definitely something up with him....'*

Sniper: *gets up as well*

CBS: Let's go to the forest after the next few questions.

@TheKillerSpy45 asks:

"My wizard  friend, do you know of any other wizards? Also my friend thinks your handsome.

Also, if you don't mind, could you possible if you could watch my Kitty. She's a beautiful tabby mix. A little on thee aggressive side."

Merasmus: Yes I do! They are quite powerful! And uh... *blushes a little, so he tightens his scarf so you can't see* Who's your friend. Oh and... Sure I guess. *takes the tabby cat* Don't touch anything or something bad might happen cat.

Me: Next!

Trishiplier528 asks:

"*drinks the antidote and turns back to a human, but still has cat ears and a tail* YAY! I'm back! But not really, but it's good enough. I think this is kinda cute. What do you guys think?"

All the mercs and I: SO CUTE!!!!!!!!

CBS: *smiles a little*

@AnimeAiko831 asks:

"*peaks out from corner* uh hello. So this might be a weird question but what do you think of people who are shy? *is totally shy*"

All the mercs and I: Super freaking adorable!

CBS: Cute. C'mon Sniper let's go.

Sniper & CBS: *leave to go walk in the forest*

Me: Alright! Well if you have anymore questions, go ahead and ask them! And feel free to ask and or dare Merasmus whatever you want!

[A/N Hey thank you all for the reads! Now, as you all know, sometimes it's a little difficult for your stories to get known or noticed. So if you could help Kacey587 out and check out his/her Q & A that'll be awesome! They have been offering some help and would at least like a few view and questioners. Thank you all!]

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