Chapter 21

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"The guy we drove away from was Tyler. It started in high school. Tyler was popular and I was shy, but apparently, he liked me. He asked me to prom in junior year." 

She stopped and smiled. 

"I still remember the way he asked me. He wore a tie over a t-shirt and got me flowers and chocolate. During lunch he shouted my name. I turned around, along with the entire school: some staring at me. He asked me to prom after that." 

Her smile turned back to normal.

"And he asked me out soon after that. I said yes. We were the power couple in school. Everyone wanted to be us. It was great at times, but sometimes-"

She looked down.

"Sometimes, it's not as great as it seems. We were the perfect couple. Everything going smoothly for the first year. Until, it was now spring in senior year. Tyler had been acting normal, I could've never seen it coming."

"What happened?"

She looked up at me.

"It was the first time he cheated on me."

"The first time?!" I said loudly.

"Ross is sleeping!" She said in a loud whisper. (very sense much wow)

She continued.

"He was dating my sister. While I was dating him. My brother and sister are in college. And I hate both of them."

She took a deep breath.

"Tyler dumped her and told me that he didn't mean to date her. He told me that he regretted it. We didn't break up. It was now graduation time, but he was losing it. He was getting more aggressive."

"Please don't tell me he-"

She interrupted me by nodding. 

Tears were falling steadily now from her face.

"His parents were getting divorced, so he took it out on me. All of it." 

He voice cracked.

"We stayed together. I don't know if it was because I still loved him, or of it was because I was too scared to break up with him. Graduation was 6 months over and his youtube channel grew faster and faster. He forgot about me. I was happy, at least for a little while. I made my own channel. I loved it Until, Tyler had no one to collab with one day. He told me to collab with him on a video. Everyone loved us. He made me record more of us playing games."

She wiped her eyes.

"That brings us to the second time he cheated on me. This time, it was my best friend. Her name was Misty. We looked almost identical, but we were complete opposites. I liked gaming, she liked make-up. We were complete opposites. Tyler staring making me wear make-up to cover the bruises."

Her mascara was barely running down her face, but you could tell it was there. Some of her 'real skin' bled through. I could see the colors of bruises clearing through her make-up. The tears must be running down her make-up.

"We did his 'usual' for a while. Him doing this to me. Until he apologized. He said he would never do it again. And he didn't." 

"He said he would never do it again and I was stupid enough to believe it." She said quietly. 

She took a short breath.

"For a while at least. It brings us to 2 months ago."

She closed her eyes. 

"He was a year and more clean from hurting me. But he started again."

She looked out the window briefly as if considering something, but looked back at me.

"He cheated on me, again. I think these are the only times he's cheated on me. But, these are the only time I caught him. Anyway, he-" 

She took a deep breath.

"He got more aggressive as he went along. At first, he never aimed at my face. It was always stomach area. But the last time he did it, he aimed everywhere."

"And that why you have a cast on your arm and leg, isn't it?"

She nodded, sadly. 

"I had to leave. I left my home with Ross, and we ended up here with you guys. Conveniently, Adam said I could have a job at the offices as well. And that's about it."

She wiped her eyes again.

"Let's get on the road so we can sleep." 

I nodded and started to drive.

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