Finally it was the end of the day. That means no more classes, no more crazy students and teachers, just me, myself, and I and the bag of chocolate peanut butter cups sitting in the freezer waiting for me.

I was in front of the school waiting for my mom to pick me up. We get out at two thirty, it's almost five now.

I played with my phone, tired of standing. My legs were getting numb and so was the rest of my body from the cold weather. Too bad we live so far up north that winter doesn't end until way after spring starts.

Speak of the devil...

She came around the corner, swerving into the curb repeatedly.

She's been drinking and driving again.

As much as I would love to decline getting in the car with her and slapping her for driving and drinking again, I had no other choice. No one else can take me home.

I got in and slammed the car door, "don't slam my door!" She hiccuped.

"You're late." I said through gritted teeth.

"H-Hey! You're lucky I'm willing to get up and take you to school and pick you up. S-Some kids don't get that opportunity." Her words slurred a little.

"Why have you been drinking and driving again! Do you know you can get arrested for this and hurt someone else! This is not safe!"

"Stop worrying about me! Buckle up, if you want to feel safe."

Instead of going in drive she went into reverse and drove onto the curb, "oops, sorry." She laughed while having a series of hiccups.

Jesus take the wheel!

We made it home in one piece and I immediately got out the car, worried my mother would cause more damage. I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door, putting my bag on the table before she could say anything to me.

Today has just been stressful.

I put on my pajamas and did my nightly rituals and attempted to fall asleep, but there was only one thing on my mind.

The color I saw today.

I don't know how to describe it but it was just beautiful. Obviously I've never seen anything like it, but seeing it for the first time, I just don't know how to describe except that word, beautiful. The first time I'm able to actually use that word.

I wish I could meet this person.

I wish to see the color again.

I heard moving trucks from in front of our house. I peeked out my window and saw that the house that's been abandoned for at least eight years finally has an owner. The lady that used to live over there was really nice, too bad she died from heart failure at the community barbecue.

Hmm, I probably should lay off the chocolate and other sweets. Can't go dying yet.

I wonder what our new neighbors are like? Maybe they're super nice and like giving out food to their neighbors like Ms. Aaron next door, or maybe they're like Mr. Todd and always yells at the neighborhood kids to get off his lawn and stop egging his house.

Well, I don't blame him for that. Only the time when my kite fell into his lawn when I was seven and he wouldn't give it back, instead he ripped it up and told me to get off his lawn. I still haven't forgiven that stupid old fart to this day.

I jumped to the sound of glass shattering downstairs. I immediately ran downstairs to see my mom throwing glasses with a bottle of wine in her hand.

"You need to put that down mom." I tried grabbing the bottle from her but she kept resisting.

"Why should I?!" She took another huge gulp of her wine and threw it at the wall. The glass shattered everywhere, staining the walls.

"Y-You know your father's out with that whore again."

"Mom, not tonight. Let's just go to bed-"

"No! When he gets back here I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!" She stumbled toward the fridge taking out another bottle of wine.

Before she took a sip I grabbed a hold of it, "That's enough! You need to go to bed."

"Am I not good enough for him?" She stared at me with pleading eyes, hoping that I would have an answer, "just tell me what I'm doing wrong!" She cried out.

"Tell me..." She pleaded. I stared at her not knowing what to say, "tell me!" She grabbed my shoulders.

"I don't know!" I yelled. She stared at me, tears running down her face as her lips quivered, "I don't know what to tell you mom, but I do know that this is not helping you! You drink your life away every night like no one depends on you or you have nothing in this word! But you have me! Your daughter! Am I not enough!" I screamed, tears threatening to leave my eyes.

"But I love him." She laid on the floor, next to broken glass, crying out his name.

I felt a lone tear fall down my face. Did anything I said not get through to her? Does she not care about me? Doesn't she love me too?

I wiped my face, "come on let's go to bed. I'll sleep in your room again tonight." I helped her up and supported her up the stairs to her room.

I know she's stressed about my dad not being here often, but these late night drinking binges and episodes are scaring me. It scares me too think what she would do to herself.

I sat her on her bed, "I'll go get the extra blankets." I whispered. I walked into her closet and grabbed the pillows and blankets. Even if she doesn't love me the same, I'll still protect her and love her, even if she doesn't return it.

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