Part One Battle of Greece

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~Annabeth Chase~

They had been fighting for a good three minutes before Annabeth and Percy moved onto the giants. They needed to get rid of the giants with the gods' aid, who appeared to the demigods' sides about two minutes into the war.

Truthfully, Annabeth was frightened, she was afraid that she wouldn't manage to live to the end of the fight. She had this voice in her head, telling her that she was going to die. Annabeth was hoping that it wasn't true. She was hoping that the fates would spare her and let her finish one of the hardest fights she had ever fought. She was thinking as she fought, analyzing Percy's moves, so she could cover his weak points and Percy did the same for her. They were a good pair, covering each other's backs, they knew that they would have each other's backs and they would for sure give their lives for each other. Annabeth dove to the side and blocked a golden sword from impaling Percy's neck. She listened to Percy's thank you before he blocked a sword form taking off her neck.

"Die demigods!" The giant they were facing was the bane of Otus, the bane of Apollo, Apollo himself had yet to show up to take down the Giant raised to kill him. Annabeth ducked and pulled Percy down with her as the sword was swung over both of their heads.

Annabeth was breathing heavily; her heart was thudding in her chest quicker than usual. She was scared, afraid and she didn't want to fight this battle any longer.

"Need some assistance?" Apollo came up behind both of the demigods, scaring the living crap out of her. She jumped slightly before realizing that is was only the god of the sun.

Percy got up from his perch on the ground and helped Annabeth up from hers, "Yes." Percy answered for her before she could say anything she would regret.

Apollo took out a golden bow and a full quiver of arrows, Annabeth watched him string an arrow onto his bow and he let the arrow go and let it fly into the air. It flew through the air, it was a toothpick compared to the giant, but it grew into the length of a full sized spear. It hit the Otus in the shoulder. He turned towards us; he swung his sword at the three figures below his towering height. Annabeth spun her knife in her hands ready to launch assaults at the giant, Percy readied his sword, and Apollo followed with his bow and arrows.

It was a fight that for sure, Annabeth rolled to the left and stabbed her knife into the Giant Achilles tendon. The giant stepped forward trying to pull out the prick that caught him in the ankle. It stepped back narrowly missing Annabeth as she moved away from Otus. Annabeth dashed to Percy as he was thrown to the side by the giant Otus. Annabeth glared up at the Giant who stood twenty feet above her.

Annabeth glanced at Percy who was getting up from the ground but was soon overwhelmed by a few monsters. She turned her attention to the giant.

"Apollo! Give me a boost!" Annabeth yelled at the god who was standing close to the giant's right foot. Apollo nodded and lifted Annabeth up, he tossed her up, she was weightless for only a moment before she landed on the shoulder of Otus.

"Get off demigod!" Otus yelled at her trying to flick her off, or brush her off with his sausage fingers. Annabeth grinned.

"It's going to be hard to do that when you're dead." Annabeth said stabbing her knife into the giant's neck. The giant only managed a yell before the hole in his neck started to get larger. She felt the Giant fall to his knee and Annabeth was thrown from Otus' shoulder. She was falling to the ground fast, but Apollo grabbed her making sure she landed safely.Annabeth thanked the god as both demigod and god watched the giant disappear into dust.

~Frank Zhang~

Frank was running from fire again, it hadn't been the first time he was this battle, but here he was running from a flame with Hazel, his girlfriend by his side. He was gripping her hand and they ran from the Giant Pelorus. The Giant was a bane of Mars, his father so it knew exactly how to beat him. The many arms -fifteen to be exact- where slammed down right in front of both of the demigods. Hazel let out a scream as the ground shook below them. Frank and Hazel both fell into a hole. Frank landed with a thud on the dirt as Hazel landed on top of him.

"Sorry!" Hazel said, getting off of Frank, helping him up.

Frank took Hazel's hand and stood up, "I'll get us out of here." Frank said in the dark, he tried transforming into a large eagle so he could escape with Hazel hanging from his claws. Nothing was working, he was trying to shift into something, but it was too late. One of the giant's hands reached into the hole and plucked Frank out of the hole. Frank struggled to get out of the giant's grasp but his attempts were worthless.

"Ahh, Frank Zhang Son of Mars, shape-shifter and descendent of Poseidon, how nice to meet you." Pelorus grinned showing his unnaturally sharpened teeth.

Frank frowned at the giant, "It's not really a pleasure." He struggled against the giants grip, but it only tightened. Frank felt a few ribs crack from the grip pressure.

"Broken ribs aren't fun are they?" The giant grinned slightly before asking him another question, "Have your girlfriend give me your stick, Zhang." Pelorus spat in his face.

"No!" Hazel yelled from the hole she was stuck in.

"I'll burn her alive if she doesn't hand the stick over." The giant hissed, looking down into the hole.

"Don't you dare!" Frank yelled, "Give him my stick! Hazel! Do it!" He called for her.

"No!" Hazel yelled again.

"I was going to die anyways. Hazel, please." Frank muttered from the hand he was wrapped in.

Frank felt a jerk downward as a hand plucked a small stub from Hazel Levesque's hands, Hazel screamed at the giant to give it back, but her screams were worthless and couldn't do anything. Frank closed his eyes as he was out back down onto the ground by Pelorus. Frank looked up at the giant.

"Wait." He said, "Get Hazel out of there first." Frank demanded.

The giant reached into the hole and pulled Hazel out and plopped her next to Frank. He gripped her hand tightly waiting for the giant to ignite his stub of wood. Once the fire caught it, he had less than a minute to live.
Frank felt his body heat up to extreme temperatures; he looked up and saw his stub of a stick a mere inch from the fire. He couldn't help but scream as the fire light up the very last of his life line, He collapsed to the ground, Hazel fell with him, kneeling by his side. Frank wasn't screaming at the moment, there was no need to. He felt no pain as he watched Hazel's eyes fill with tears as his last moment on earth was coming to an end.

"I love you Hazel Levesque and don't you forget that." Frank muttered smiling slightly, his skin began to turn blistery and red in some places, he felt his chest begin to wet as blood was staining his purple shirt.

"I love you too, Frank Zhang and don't you forget that. I'll see you soon." Hazel kissed him lightly.

His eyes shut as he took his last breath with a shudder.

And done el finished, I would've drawn Frank's death out a little longer but I have to go to church, so yeah.

Um see ya later.

Don't kill me. I told you guys only three will survive to the end.

On the plus side two updates in less than 24 hours!



The Final Battle /PERCY JACKSON FANFICTION/Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang