Chapter Eighteen-Piper McLean

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Piper McLean ~The Battle at Camp Jupiter Part One~

She watched Jason, Nico, and Percy disappear into a shadow. The remaining demigods on the Argo were silent. Nobody had anything to say, nobody had made a move to interact with each other either.  

"What are we supposed to do now?" Piper asked the demigods present in the room.

"I don't know really, we can wait or we can do something proactive." Annabeth said shrugging her shoulders lightly. Piper looked over at the daughter of Athena, her eyes filled with worry as she glanced at her thin frail body.

"I'm going to make us some dinner." Piper said as she got up from the couch leaving everyone else in the sitting room. She sighed as she shuffled around in the kitchen looking for vegetarian friendly meal. Piper settled for some tofu hot dogs that were left over from previous nights.

After heating the food up she brought the needed plates into the sitting room where she sat them on the table where they began to eat the hot dogs.

"They're tofu by the way." Piper added as Frank made a face, obviously not enjoying the tofu dogs.

"Oh." Was all Frank said, as he silently put down the hotdog and ate the chips that were on the side of the plate.

"They're not that bad!" Hazel said smacking her boyfriend's arm lightly before handing him his half eaten tofu dog.

Piper couldn't help but smile at the two couple, it was by far one of the most diverse couple she had seen, but it worked and they flattered each other. She made a silent squeal like an Aphrodite girl would before she could maintain her composure.

"Piper are you okay?" Annabeth asked slightly before laughing at Piper's little squealing.

"Yeah, totally." Piper said with a slight grin. She, Annabeth, Hazel, and Frank sat in silence as they just basically stared at each other in the uncomfortable silence.

Half-way through this thing they were doing, three people fell out of the shadows.

Piper turned her head and watched as Jason began to walk towards the table with Percy and Nico following behind.

Percy turned to stand by Annabeth hugging her close.

"The Romans and Greek have made an alliance. We need to get to Camp Jupiter fast. The battle already started." Nico began to talk before Frank cut him off.

"How?" Was all Frank said.

"The sphere Leo found should work the engines fast enough to get us to Camp Jupiter in ten minutes.'' Annabeth interjected before waltzing off to the Captain's Quarters with Percy trailing not far behind.

Piper glanced at Jason who hadn't moved towards her. For a split second She felt the air in the room drop about thirty degrees before the Argo lurched and everyone began sliding to the back of the cabin.

"Woah!" Jason yelled out as he slowly made his way to Piper.

Annabeth's voice came on. The intercom, "Sorry about that." She clicked it off before straight isn't back out the Argo II. The ship started forward at an amazing pace before stopping outside the camp boarders.

Everyone made their way up deck, battle armor and weapons included.

Piper adjusted the straps slightly on her breastplate before taking Katopris out. She glanced at the knife but saw nothing.

Every crew member had the same look on their face.


Even though Camp Jupiter wasn't hike to Piper, and they weren't on the best of terms she could consider them family.

"Lets do this." Jason said before dropping the ladder down. Everyone climbed down it slowly, not including Jason who flew down the ladder taking Piper with him.

They were engaged in battle almost immediately.


Okay so there's the super lame ending for a super lame chapter.

But...hey guess what I have a plan for this story sort of.

-There should be a full POV rotation, meaning everyone with a POV will be used {not including Leo, so Nico will be used.} in the Battle of Camp Jupiter.

-Every battle will be separated into parts. I have yet to decide how many.

-The voting for who dies and who doesn't die is closed, so don't vote anymore. They will be ignored.

-The battle will happen in this order  

-Battle of Camp Jupiter 

-Battle of Camp Half-Blood  

-Battle of Greece

-And after the battles there will be a sad chapter with everyone's burning shrouds and the Romans form of funerals.

-and the last chapter will be super cute and everything :)


Okay so that's it. I'm planning on finishing the Battle of Camp Jupiter before I update again.




The Final Battle /PERCY JACKSON FANFICTION/حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن