Chapter Two- Piper McLean

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Aww! I hope you guys enjoyed that last chapter! I'm at the beach and I've been here for nearly two weeks! I have two days left right now. But I am super happy to go home! I miss my kitty cat :(



Piper McLean

"Percy and Annabeth are there, fighting for their lives. We need to hurry." Piper said as she looked into her knife and instantly paled before sheathing it.

"C'mon cupcakes. We only have nine more days." Coach said starting off ship.

"Coach, I think it would be best if you stayed up here and watched over the ship." Piper said pouring her charmspeak heavily into her speech.

"Sounds good! See ya later!" Coach said with a thumbs up after he walked away and ran into his room to watch the newly established T.V.

"I'm leading you guys there, I made Percy that promise." Nico said as he stood behind the group.

Piper looked over at Jason, who stood next to Hazel. Leo was at the far side of the ship away from the Romans on crutches.

Piper still didn't know what had happened to Leo and why he had a crushed ankle and also no one would tell her what had happened nearly the entire month. Piper sighed and walked around the edge of the boat, looking into her knife, she clutched the cornucopia in one of her hands and knife in the other. It wasn't working, the knife that is. It wouldn't show her anything other than her fate. Her fate if dying at the end if the war by her mother herself. Of course, Piper didn't believe it one bit because all of the Olympians were defending Olympus other than Demeter who was promised people would eat more cereal and that her daughter would be released from Hades.

"Piper...we've landed." Jason's voice came from behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his head into the nape of her neck.

"Alright." Piper said, turning around and giving Jason a brief kiss before they both headed down to the surface where the rest of the crew was.

"We have nine days to reach the doors in the middle of nowhere." Nico began, "They are somewhere in the forest underground. We have until then."

"Got it." Piper said clipping her knife into her belt along with the cornucopia.

And so Nico lead the group into the forest so they could meet their impending doom.

Piper tried to think of happy things through the beginning of the forest. There was a path wide enough to resemble a hallway, and every six feet a new path would be on the sides of the original path.

A low growl emitted from the nearest path, Piper paused and stopped walking along with the rest of the group. Each demigod drew their weapons. Jason, being the strongest fighter stood in front of the other five, standing close to Piper.

"What is it, Jason?" Piper wondered. There was a silence where neither of the demigods spoke.

"Hellhounds." Jason whispered as six of dogs jumped out of the forest. Only these weren't normal dogs, each contained a rider. A rider which was thin and tall and contained a bow with a full quiver. A spare weapon rested on the upper thigh of each.

"Attack!" One of the thin, tall riders yelled. It jumped down revealing a dark hood and cloak in each of them.

The hooded figures stayed put while each of the hellhounds attacked. Piper took out her knife and made a quick stab at the one charging her. She caught the ear of the dog and tore it off. The dog yelped and attacked Piper furiously. The hound jumped at her, but being quick and nimble Piper jumped and rolled to the side keeping her self from getting slaughtered.

Piper heard a scream belonging to Hazel. It wasn't a scream of agony, but victory. Piper turned her head while the hound she was fighting was down. Hazel was running over to Piper who needed assistance as the hellhound for back up and started attacking again.

"Hazel! Thanks!" Piper panted as she slashed at the monster. Hazel followed suit. Eventually, Hazel pulled off the move that would kill the hound. Piper stood back and watched as Hazel brought her sword down on the nape of the neck and sliced the head off. The dog turned into golden dust as the rest of the group killed their own dogs.

The six were breathing heavily as the hooded figures paused and the began to speak together, "Together we all eleven of us will find the doors. You have proved your worthiness."



And cut! OMG we hand on Jiper action in there! I love them so much! There just so cute! But anyway this chapter wasn't planned and I was going to wait a while till I posted it. It's a decent length so ahhh, why not. And in Navarre, Florida my dream house awaits me. It's for sale too! To bad I'm only 13! The only thing that I can see is that it needs some love.


But I made up those weird hooded guys. I have an idea for what they should be :)






The Final Battle /PERCY JACKSON FANFICTION/Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt