Chapter Sixteen- Leo Valdez

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Ooh, you guys got lucky, this chapter is Leo's but yet I'm giving away much. Also, you guys know how quests are only supposed to contain three members, in The Titans Curse five went on a quest but boy three returned, well only three are going be alive at the end of this book. Yup. Yup. Yup. Don't hate me really! I promise you Percy won't die. I can promise that. Maybe. But any who this is a Leo chapter packed full of action and my failure at his humor. Sorry if Leo is a bit OOC. XD



Leo Valdez

At first he was scared, but who wouldn't be. He was going to hell. Leo was going to be stuck, trapped and he would probably die down there. Proteus grabbed his right shoulder and in a flash he found himself in pitch blackness. He panicked at first, sensing the death and horror inside of Tartarus. He could feel himself wanting to crawl away at the darkness eating at him.

The darkness of Tartarus was unlike any other. It felt like it was swallowing him, slowly eating away at any hope or sanity he had. Leo felt like he was in a box, but yet the box was filled with monsters and horrors in the four corners.

Leo thought for a moment before reaching into his tool belt and pulling out a small flash light, rather than using his flame powers. He swiveled his head moving the flashlight to illuminate the ground. Doing so must’ve caught something attention.

A mere second later he heard the growl, the scream, and the hurried footsteps hurrying towards him. Panicked, Leo dropped the flashlight and drew his hammer and swung blindly before running from whatever was chasing him. He ran and found himself tripping over things that shouldn’t be there. Anxiety filled  Leo at the quietness that covered the screams and moans of the pit. He huffed and paused for a seconded, drawing out another flashlight and shining it low on the ground in front of him. Sighing, Leo took out a small packet of breath mints and chewed three. He turned around and made the deathly mistake of raising his flashlight at his chest level. He saw it.

Blackened feet took a step forward revealing the most hideous creature Leo had ever seen. It was decorated with red, purple, and black scaled on bits and pieces of its skin, while other patches showed red, raw skin as if it had recently been burned off. A black sword roughly four feet long was in the monster’s tight grip, ready to kill if needed.

Leo swallowed when the nerves overcame Leo as he took a three pound hammer out of his tool belt. The monster grinned, showing off his three layers of shark teeth.  Leo was speechless for once in his life, in a normal situation he would’ve made a snarky comment about seeing the dentist because of his teeth to talking about Aphrodite giving the monster a makeover because of how ugly it was. But in this situation Leo couldn’t muster a word.

Just then the monster charged the four foot sword was the only source of lighting.

A thought crossed Leo’s mind, ‘I’m really going to die today.’

“Yes you are, aren’t you Leo Valdez and I am going to be the one who kills you.” The monster said raising his sword high above his head going for the kill. Leo saw it coming; he rolled to the right evading the sword. He got up from his crouch quickly and swung his hammer and made contact with a wall.

The monster laughed, “Nice try, but I'm over here.” The monster said from behind him. Leo froze for only a moment before turning around. The monster had balls of fire the size of a basketball in each of his hands. Leo tried to looked fearless but nonetheless he failed. He couldn’t muster and ounce of courage. He became Courage the Cowardly Dog, right then and right there. He moved away from the monster before running, only to be met with a fiery hand. Leo didn’t scream he didn’t even acknowledge that it was  fire that was burning him, after all fire was his element.

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