Authors note

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So here's this:

The story took me forever to finish but in long run it was worth it. This is the first series I've ever completed and it feel like a huge achievement. With everyone who commented and voted, and even the silent readers, you are the people that made my day. And yes I went a a month at so splints without updating and I terribly sorry for that. With the Blood of Olympus I do not pen on doing that with warning. If it does happen I'm sorry, there's a chance it might because starting in November, I have basketball. Between me and my sister we can have eight practices a week (four for each) and I play three games a week, and my sister does the same. Six games overall, five on Saturdays, which is my "prime writing" day.

That's the just of things, here's this again:

The Blood of Olympus is up, feel free to check it out :D


• Alex •

The Final Battle /PERCY JACKSON FANFICTION/Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum