Part Three- The Battle of Camp Jupiter

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Part Three ~The Battle of Camp Jupiter~

Jason Grace

Rolling and ducking.

Killing and cutting.

That's what was happening with his life at the moment. It was just him and his sword lashing out at monsters over and over again.

It was a bit ridiculous. Jason hated very last moment of the battle. He had shoals he'd through and killed nearly fifty monsters. They seemed endless, coming from every single direction. Everything was happening wicked fast and it seems to fast for him.

Jason watched as he heard a too familiar scream belonging to Hazel. He turned and ran trying to find the thirteen year old. He ran for a full two seconds before he saw what she was screaming at. Percy and Annabeth had fallen inside, or on other words were swallowed whole by the biggest hydra he had ever seen. Jason's jaw dropped as he watched them fall and disappear. He was too shock to realize what had happened. The two most powerful demigods in history had just been eaten. It was insanity listening to silence that had fallen upon the battle field as the demigods had just lost their two most fierce-some battle warriors. Jason turned towards the distressed Hazel who had dropped her sword. He turned to the roman and tried to get her pick up the sword, but it had seemed as if she had fallen in shock. Jason waved his hand in front of her face several times, she still didn't move as the fighting began around Hazel. Frustrated, Jason slapped Hazel across the face to get her out of the trance she had put herself in.

Jason picked up her sword for her and headed towards the hydra, which over thirty demigods were attacking at the moment. It was a crazy amount of them that were trying to break through the diamond hard skin.

Its heads spit fire, acid, and boiling hot water and the demigods below it. Jason watched as one stepped on a girl trying to nick the stupid thing in the foot. He cringed as he heard crunching bone from the short distance he was from the hydra. Jason charged towards the monster, who claws were larger then Jason himself. He swerved and ducked out of the way of the snapping jaws of the monster. It was a difficult others trying to avoid cutting off heads or doing something else incredibly stupid. He was attacking the same foot again, but it seemed as if his sword was only a mere prick, something similar to a toothpick. Jason rolled to the side as a giant foot came crashing down on his left. It was close; the foot had caught the kid next to him, killing the boy. Jason turned away before focusing on the monster more and more. He flew up, a little bit higher than the monster so he could avoid the snapping jaws. With one swift movement of his hand a lightning bolt that Zeus would have been impressed by shot out of the cloudless sky and shocked the hydra still. The beast was stunning for a moment but it didn't last long. Jason sent down a slightly larger and more powerful bolt of lightning, it shook the ground and the hydra began to lose it balance. He summoned one last bolt of lightning, it hit the hydra and the monster exploded to put it in simple words. Jason watched as monster guts went everywhere the things the monster had eaten were laying on the ground covered in slime.

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