Chapter 30

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I then went and changed into my reception dress and went back out for dancing and partying. I ran into Amanda and we began talking.

"Congratulations, Liv," she said as we were picking up a glass of champagne.

We stood by the table as we watched everyone dance. Elliot, was of course, being stupid and dancing like a freak.

"I don't know so much on that one," I said as we both laughed. "But, no, I'm kidding. I love him...even though he's like that sometimes," I say as I smile.

"I'm glad you're happy," she said as she took a drink of champagne.

" too. I'm pretty lucky," I say with this huge smile on my face and Elliot begins to excuse himself and walks over towards Amanda and me.

"What's up Amanda?" he asks as he tries to catch his breath from all his dancing.

"Not much...just having a girl conversation, I guess," she said.

"Ah I see. I see," he said as he put his arm around my waist. "Come dance with me, baby," he whispered in my ear, causing me to get chills and smile.

He walked back out and went up to the DJ and Amanda just laughed and looked at me.

"What was that about?" she asked as she eyed me down.

"He wants me to go dance with him," I said as I took a drink of my champagne.

"Well? Go! Have fun! It's your wedding...go dance with your husband," she said as she looked out to the dance floor.

"You sure?" I said as I smiled.

"Yes! We can have a girls' night some time," she said as 'I Loved Her First' began to play and Cragen walked up to me.

"May I?" he asked as he took my hand and I smiled back at Amanda.

We walked out as everyone made a big circle before we began dancing. Everyone was videoing and taking pictures.

"Cragen, you don't have to do this," I said as I smiled as we danced.

"I want to. You're like a daughter to me and that will never change," he said to me.

Then, as the middle of the song hit, he slowly let me go and Elliot was standing there.

"Can I please have this dance?" he said as I placed my hand over my mouth and tried not to cry

. Cameras were flashing and I was doing my best not to cry. I shook my head and we finished out the song dancing...but before we could stop, another slow song began playing.

"Elliot...really?" I said as a tear fell down my face.

"Yes, really," he said before 'When I Said I Do' began to play and we continued dancing. "I love you," he said. People were still videoing and taking pictures.

"I love you, too," I said.

A couple minutes later, the song ended and we kissed as everyone began clapping and screaming 'woo'. Elliot and I let go of each other and laughed.

Then, party songs began coming on and everyone was dancing. Fin, Munch, Cragen, Amaro, and Rollins were all close to Elliot and me.

The night continued out like this and the wedding and reception was amazing. I still can't believe I'm Mrs. Elliot's shocking. I never saw myself being here. I always thought it would be Kathy.

We went over to cut the cake and waited so everyone had time to take out cameras. We then, cut the cake and each took a piece in our hands to put in the other's mouth.

"Elliot, I swear if you get it all over me, I will kill you," I said as I laughed, but we paused so people could take pictures of us with the cake.

Then he placed the cake in my mouth and I was beginning to place it in his, but decided to put it all over his face. Everyone began laughing, myself included.

"I can't believe you right now," he said as he wiped the icing off of his face and laughed.

"I love you," I said as I smiled innocently.

"I love you, too," he said as we kissed and everyone cheered.

We had several food items and a chocolate fountain with fruit and treats. Everyone sat down to eat and when we all finished it was time to toss the bouquet and garter.

"Are you girls ready?" I yelled before turning around and tossing the bouquet of flowers behind me. I turned around to see who caught it...Amanda.

"Congratulations!" I said as I hugged her and we took a picture together. Then, it was Elliot's turn to toss the garter.

We had the garter strapped on my upper thigh to make it kind of a sexy thing. So Elliot took it from my thigh and tossed it back. Of course, Amaro caught it.

"Well, well. I wonder if you two will be marrying each other," Elliot said as he laughed before he and Amaro took a picture together.

Amaro and Rollins then started acting weird from that point forward. I pulled Rollins to the side about an hour later.

"So, what's going on between you and Nick?" I asked.

"Nothing," was all she said.

"Tell me," I said as I smiled a little.

"Fine. We hooked up and now it's beginning to be more than that and I don't want anyone to know," she said as she looked over at Nick.

"It's not that big of a deal. Elliot and I had to come out at some point...and it actually wasn't bad," I said as I smiled at her.

"Thanks, Liv," she said as we hugged and I walked back over to where everyone was.

A couple hours later, everyone was getting ready to leave and there were very few people there. Including the squad, Elliot, some of Elliot's family, and myself. We had just finished cleaning up the things and were leaving. Then, I heard two gunshots and fell to the ground.

I heard my name being yelled by everyone, mainly Elliot as he put pressure on the wounds.

"," I said faintly before blacking out.

A/N~ If you guys haven't heard those two should go listen to them...I love them. If you didn't understand why Cragen handed Liv off to El it's because 'I Loved Her First' is about how the daughter is getting married and how the father loved her first and she'll always have a place in his heart...yeah it's really good. And 'When I Said I Do' is obviously about that so...anyways. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for ending this way...I'm so sorry. I love you all. I won't be publishing another chapter in this book until about 4 days from now so...I'll see you in the next chapter, loves!

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