Chapter 27

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I woke up the next morning and found a note on the nightstand beside the bed.

'I went out. Don't come looking for me. I'll be back. Love ya.'

Of course he went out. I don't get why he doesn't understand the fact I hadn't slept in 3 days. He's mad at me because 'love ya'? He would never say that.

I'll just call him. I picked up my phone and clicked on his name in my phone. Voicemail...of course. I tried again...and again...and again. Nothing.

He's definitely mad at me, so I sent him a text saying 'Hey...we should talk about last night. Call me whenever you can. I love you.'

I waited about an hour while I watched a movie. Still nothing from Elliot, so I decided to call Cragen and ask him to call voice over the phone sounded like I was fixing to cry.

After I hung up with Cragen, I put my knees close to my chest, propped my head on my knees, and wrapped my arms around the front of my legs...and just sat there.

Elliot's POV
I'm sitting in the bar with several missed calls and a text from Liv. I don't bother to answer. Then, Cragen calls me...I have to answer.

"Stabler," I say as I wave for another beer. It's only my second beer, so I'm not drunk.

"Where are you?" he asks over the phone.

"Bar, why?" I say.

"Liv called sounded like she was crying or about to cry. She said she called several times and texted you, but never got an answer. She's worried about you. Call her and tell her you're okay," he said. I told him I would and I ended the call. I paid for my drink and left the bar. I didn't drive straight home...I drove to the precinct to talk to Fin.

I pulled into the precinct and headed towards Fin's desk.

"Hey, man, what's up?" Fin said as he stood up from his desk.

"I was wondering if we could talk," I said as we walked to the cribs.

"About what?" he asked as we sat on one of the beds.

"Liv...we got in a fight and now Cragen said she called worried about me...and I don't know. I was being a jerk about something," I said as I put my head in my hands.

"Go talk to her, she'll understand. What did y'all fight about?" he asked.

"I'd rather not say," I said, trying to avoid telling him that Liv and I are together.

"I get it," he said as we got up and walked out of the cribs.

"Thanks Fin," I said as I walked to the elevator.

"No problem," he said as he walked back to his desk and I got in the elevator and left the precinct.

When I got home, I walked in to see Liv on the couch crying. When she looked up and saw me, she immediately bolted off of the couch and ran into my arms.

"God, Elliot! I thought you were gone!" she said as she cried in my arms and I held her tighter.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have said that," I told her as I kissed her head.

"I'm sorry, too. I was being bratty and I'm sorry. I can't lose you...I love you so much," she said as she calmed down and hugged me tighter.

"I love you so much more, babe," I said. I felt so bad for leaving...I shouldn't have done that, but that's how I cope with things...I go and think.

"The only reason I went off on you was because I hadn't slept in three days, and I was extremely tired," she said as she took her head off of my chest but my arms stayed around her waist and hers around my neck.

"I know, Liv. It's okay," I said to her as I leaned down and placed my lips on hers.

It was a slow, passionate kiss. This was the first time we've kissed in three days. After our kiss was over, we went and got comfortable on the couch.

"Can we just stay like this all night?" she said as she was wrapped in my arms on the couch.

"I wouldn't mind that at all...anything to make you happy," I said as I kissed her temple.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you, too," I said as I looked down to see she had fallen asleep. I kissed her forehead and began to fall asleep myself.


Olivia's POV
I woke up the next morning in Elliot's arms and smiled. I turned a bit sideways and placed my head on his chest. He groaned and shifted positions.

"Liv, what's wrong?" he asked with sleep still in his voice.

"Nothing, just trying to get comfortable," I said.

Then, I moved my arm really quickly and I accidentally hit him in his area.

"Babe, I'm so sorry," I said as I sat up and tried not to laugh. I bit my lip hard. It took him a minute before he said something, but he finally spoke up.

"Why are you laughing? That hurt so bad, Liv," he said as he lay back down on the couch.

"I'm sorry, El," I said as I placed my head on his chest and intertwined our legs together. I was practically on top of him. He wrapped his arm around me so I wouldn't fall off.

"It's fine. You better be lucky I love you," he said as we laughed.

I love him so much...he's my rock. When I feel down, he's my happiness. I couldn't bear to lose him. He's all I've got in this world.

"I love you," I said as a tear rolled down my face.

"I know...Liv are you crying?" he asked as a tear from my face landed on his skin.

"No..." I said as he pulled me closer.

"Liv, you're crying. Sit up, baby. What's wrong?" he said as we sat up and he pulled me into his lap. I just sat there staring into his eyes.

A/N~ I actually kind of like this chapter😂 Especially the part where her arm accidentally hits him😂 I couldn't stop laughing when I did that. At school, I asked two of my friends if whenever she was trying to get comfortable, if I should make her accidentally hit him...and when I was explaining the deal with Liv and El on the friends took it...sexually, I guess😂 I don't know and I don't even know. I don't get how they took it sexually because nothing sexual was happening😂 But who knows? We are very weird people. Anyways😂 So, yeah. I decided to make that happen😂 Also, thanks for 1K, guys! I love all of my readers! Y'all are great! Read on, babes❤️❤️

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