Chapter 28

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"Nothing's wrong," I said as I looked at him.

"Then why are you crying?" he said.

"Because you don't get it. I love you so much and I can't begin to show you how much," I said as I wiped my tears.

"Baby, I know. You don't have to explain to me," he said as I nodded my head. I calmed down and he held me in his arms for a bit until we fell back asleep.


I woke up the next morning around 12 ish with a note on the coffee table that said:

'Good morning, beautiful. I'll be back in a bit. I went out to get you some Chinese and some ice cream. When I get back, we can cuddle on the couch, watch movies, and eat. I love you so much, babe. I'll see you when I get home.'

I smiled to myself as I read the note. I don't know what time he left so I guess I'll just sit here and wait until he gets home.

He came in the house about 30 minutes later.

"Finally!" I exclaimed as I stood from the couch.

"What? Miss me?" he said as he smiled.

"No. You have food and ice cream," I said as I laughed. He gave me a look and then laughed. "I'm kidding...of course I missed you," I told him as I kissed him.

"Let me put this stuff down," he said as he put the bags on the counter, along with the Chinese take-out.

"I've been waiting for you to get back forever. I want to cuddle," I said as I pouted. I said as I began eating my food. He laughed at me and began eating as well.

When we finished eating, we each got a bowl of ice cream and went and sat on the couch.

"What movie?" he asked me as he turned on the tv.

"Um...Something's Gotta Give?" I suggest.

"Sure," he says as he clicks on the movie.

I sat back on the couch and put my feet over Elliot's lap...he didn't mind. He just smiled at me and continued watching the movie.

When we finished our ice cream, I quickly took our bowls to the sink and ran some water in them and hurried back so I wouldn't miss the movie. I lied back down on the couch with my feet over him and he put his hands over my legs and we smiled at each other.

We sat like this for the entire movie. By the end, I was in tears. I loved that movie so much. Elliot just laughed at me for crying, but soon comforted me afterwards.

"I want to go to the precinct for some odd reason," I said as I looked up at him.

"Why? We just got away from there and we just got in a fight from being there for three days," he said as he put his arm around me.

"I know...but I feel like I need to be there doing work," I said as I placed my head back down on his chest.

" we are there all the time," he said.

"I know. I know. I'm bored. Can we go?" I asked.

"Actually, I had plans for us," he said, which caused me to look back up at him.

"Doing what, exactly?" I asked, surprised.

"I just wanted to take you out and have some fun, I guess," he said to me.

"Well, I would much rather be with you than at the precinct," I said as I smiled.

"Well, go get dressed lazy bones," he said as he laughed...which caused me to smile at him.

"I'm going. I'm going," I said as I got up off of the couch and stood there in front of him. "Come with me?" I asked as I took his hand, trying to pull him off of the couch.

He smiled and got up as we went into the bedroom. I put on a blue dress with some silver heels and he put on a black tux with a red tie.

"Why are we dressed up so fancy?" I asked him.

"It's a fancy restaurant," he said as he kissed me.

"Okay. Well let's go," I said as we walked out and got into the car. We drove off to the restaurant.

When we pulled up and went inside, Elliot said he had already made reservations. The hostess put us at a table directly in the middle of the a table for two.

After we finished eating, we just sat there laughing and talking.

"Olivia Benson..." Elliot said as he got up from the table and got down on one knee beside me, which caused everyone in the restaurant to look over at us. "I've loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you. I knew you were the one. There was something about you that no one else had. You mean the world to me and I don't know how else to explain the way I feel about you. I don't even know what to say to you, because look at you. You're gorgeous and I don't know why you're with a guy like me. You deserve so much more than I will ever be able to give you...I know that. But I'm going to do my best to make you the happiest person I can and nothing's going to change that. I love you so much, Olivia. Will you make me the happiest man alive...will you marry me?" he said and I was in tears. I put my hands over my mouth and shook my head.

"Yes!" I said as I cried and held my hand out for him to put the engagement ring on.

We shared a kiss and everyone in the restaurant clapped and cheered. I looked down at it.

"'s gorgeous," I said. Then, the whole squad came over and congratulated us. I looked at Elliot.

"I told them this morning after I went and bought the ring," he said as we all hugged each other. We walked out of the restaurant and I was still in shock.

"I can't believe you," I said as I hugged him. "I love you," I said as we let out of the hug and kissed again.

"I love you, too," he said as we smiled at each other.

A/N~ Aw, I teared up writing this chapter😂❤️ But anyways, I will put a picture of the engagement ring below so everyone knows what it looks like! Also here's how I'm doing the engagement and wedding RING situation: Okay so the photo below is of the engagement ring. For the wedding ring, I'm picking out a totally different ring, BUT Liv will still be keeping her engagement ring put up {just thought I would explain'll get the idea when I put it in the story}😉💜 Anyways, so the engagement ring is going to be elegant, but simple. As the wedding ring, will be more bling😂 So, yeah😂 I love you guys💖



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