Chapter 18

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He walks over towards me and puts his hands on my waist. I tense up a bit because I'm in my bra and panties.

"My gosh, Elliot your hands are freezing cold!" I say and laugh.

"I'm sorry," he says and kisses me. I put my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

"I'm so tired, but I don't want to stop this," I say as I pout.

"Me either," he says to me. I laugh.

"Okay, El. Your hands are so cold," I laugh. "I'm gonna go take a shower, you can go on to bed," I say to him.

"Okay," he says back and we kiss before I go to the shower.

I begin to wash my hair and I'm singing in the shower. I let the water run over me and I'm just lost in singing. I then wash.

I finally get out of the shower, which took me about 15 minutes. I begin to dry off and I'm still singing. I put the towel around me and I brush my hair and blow dry it. I left it down. I had an idea. I take the towel off and go get into bed.

"Goodnight, El," I say as I kiss his cheek. He was close to being asleep, but he turned and put his arm around me.

"Goodnight, Liv," he said to me. After that, I felt his hand go up my back. "Liv?" he asked me.

"Yes?" I respond back. I begin to laugh a little.

"Are you perhaps not wearing any clothes?" he asks me.

"That's right," I say and I smile.

He immediately gets up and is wide awake. He begins kissing me and I kiss back. He takes off his clothes. We both smile.

~the next morning~

Elliot's POV
I woke up with Olivia in my arms. A naked Olivia. I smiled about last night. I kissed her forehead, she was still asleep it was about 4:33 A.M. She usually doesn't get up until around 5 ish. I slowly got out of bed and went downstairs into the kitchen.

I began making a pot of coffee. I turned on the stove and began making bacon and pancakes. During the middle of cooking, I felt arms around my waist.

"Well, good morning," I say, knowing it was Olivia.

"Good morning. I thought I smelled bacon," she said back to me. She still sounded sleepy, I could hear it in her voice. I smiled. "What's so funny Stabler?" she asked me.

"Nothing. I was just smiling because I can still hear the sleepiness in your voice and it's cute," I say as I finish cooking.

She let her arms from around me, rubs her eyes and yawns. I turned to see she had one of my shirts on, which she looked great in. She smiled and took a piece of bacon off the plate I had it on.

"How rude," I say as we both laugh.

"I'm sorry," she says as she makes a pouting face.

"You are just too cute when you make that face," I tell her and smile.

"So are you because I know if I'm ever trying to be mad at you and you make that face I just can't. Just like the 'no kissing' stunt," she tells me and we both laugh. We then eat pancakes and bacon and drink coffee.

When we finished breakfast it was about 5:12 A.M. We still had about an hour and a half before we had to leave. We went back upstairs and used that time up.

We quickly threw on some clothes while laughing at each other. We left the house at about 6:47 A.M. and headed to the precinct. We arrived 10 minutes or so later and got out. We got in the elevator.

"We are gonna hear it from Munch," she tells me and we laugh.

"You're telling me," I tell her. We laugh and the elevator dings. We walk out laughing.

"Well, well. You two seem happy. Did you take my morning sex advice?" Munch says. We look up and he was the only one here, beside Cragen, who was in his office.

"We were just talking about you, John Munch," Olivia says to John as we laugh.

"You two together yet?" he asked us.

"Nope," I say.

Olivia's POV
"I'm just using him for the hook ups," I walk over and whisper into Munch's ear. We both laugh because we know I'm kidding.

"What was that about?" Elliot asks us.

"Well it seems to me as if you are getting used for the hook ups," Munch says and we all laugh. Cragen opens his office door and goes back to sit down at his desk. Fin walks in.

"They dating yet?" he asks Munch. Munch shakes his head.

We all laugh and get to work. Cassidy finally shows up. He's always the last one to get here. It's usually Captain, me, Munch, Elliot, Fin, then Cassidy. But, ever since El and I have started talking I've been getting here third.

After a long day of no cases, we get to go home earlier than usual.

"Do you guys want to go out for drinks?" Brian asks us as we all walk out.

"Sure," Fin and Munch say. Elliot and I look at each other.

"Sure. Why not?" Elliot finally says. We get to the bar.

"Jack and Coke for me," Cassidy said to the bartender.

"Jack and Coke," Munch said.

"Bud Light for me," Fin said.

"Scotch on the rocks," I say to the bartender.

"I'll have what she's having," Elliot replied.

Our drinks came out shortly Cassidy, Munch, and Fin all paid for theirs. I was reaching to get my wallet when Elliot put his hand in front of mine and stopped me.

"I got you," he said and winked at me. I looked down smiling.

"I probably look like an idiot right now," I say as I laugh and smile more.

"No, you don't," he said as he kissed my cheek.

"El...them," I said. He just smiled.

"You really think I care? Olivia I want you to be mine. I don't care anymore. I don't want to wait. So what if Cragen separates us?" he says.

"Yours, huh?" I say as I smile.

"I'm sorry," he says.

"For what?" I say. He leans in and the next thing I know, we are making out. We finally stop.

"Don't be sorry about that. I'm tired of staying under the radar," I say as we both smile. "Plus, they didn't see anything," I say as we laugh.

"We will tell them in the morning, okay?" he says as he takes my hands. I smile and nod.

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