Chapter 17

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"Our perps are cops!" Elliot says as we get back into the precinct.

"Well there's our lead," Fin says. "How many police stations are in this specific area?" he asked. Cassidy was already doing some computer research.

"Only 1 in this area," Cassidy says. Elliot and I look at each other. "Well what are you to waiting for, go get them!" Cassidy says to us. We put on our bulletproof vests and go.

"We are gonna need some backup," Elliot says. "Cassidy and Fin, let's go," he adds on. We get in the elevator.

"How about this for a change?" Cassidy says. "Elliot you ride with Fin and I'll ride with Olivia," he added on and began to put his hand around my waist.

I quickly moved. Elliot seen that. His face got agitated. I quickly took his hand and he calmed down a bit.

"No! I'm going with my partner," Elliot says. The elevator dinged and we all get out. We got in the cars, me with Elliot, and Fin with Cassidy.

We arrived at the police station. Elliot, Cassidy, and I were in different locations.

"Manhattan SVU! We are looking for 4 men who have raped and killed 6 women!" Fin says loudly.

Almost automatically, 4 men get up and begin to run. One runs my way, one runs El's, and the other runs Cassidy's.

We handcuff them. The fourth one is stuck. He pulls out his gun and shoots himself, knowing he is going to get prison for life.

We carry the other 3 men to cop cars that met us there. We finally got these sickos. I let out a sigh, close my eyes, and put my hand on my forehead. I'm glad that was over. No more innocent women were going to be killed. I look over to see Elliot and Cassidy arguing over something. I already know what this is about.

Elliot's POV
"You can't just kiss her like that! She deserves respect! And this goes for every other woman too, not just Olivia!" I say, yelling at Cassidy.

"Well, she's a young, beautiful, single lady. She has the right to do as she pleases," Cassidy says back to me.

"She didn't want to be kissed," I say to him. I am so furious.

"How do you know that?" Cassidy asked.

"She told me. I went to ask her what was going on and I came up behind her. She went off on me because she thought I was you!" I said. I seen Olivia walking over here.

"Yeah right," Cassidy said. I looked at Olivia. She seen that my fists were fixing to swing and she ran over and grabbed my hand.

"Guys! Calm down!" she says to us.

"See, she just saved me from getting punched. If she hated me, she wouldn't have done that," Cassidy said. Before I could say anything Olivia interrupted.

"No, actually I saved you from getting your butt kicked. You better be glad I don't hate you that much, I'm just mad. He would've killed you right then. You better be glad I stopped him. I mean, I'll let him at you if that's what you want," she says with a very stern look on her face. Cassidy shook his head and walked off.

"Thank you," I said to her.

"He's lucky I was here," she said as she laughed. I laughed with her.

"I'm ready to go home," I said.

"Me too," she said, making a pouting face that was totally adorable.

"Can I just kiss you right now?" I say to her.

"I wish," she said as she smiled. "Well let's leave," she said.

"I like that idea," I say as we laugh. We got in the car and drove to the precinct.

After a few hours of paperwork that needed to be done, we left and got to her apartment about 9:57 P.M. We walked through her door and she grabbed some clothes for work tomorrow. We left and drove to my house.

We got out of the car and went in the house. I locked the door after we got in. Olivia went upstairs and put her clothes on the dresser. She soon came
back downstairs.

"I'm so tired," she said as she put her head in my chest and her arms around my waist.

"Well, go to sleep," I said as I kissed the top of her head.

"But I don't wanna," she said, making herself sound just like a child. She looked up at me and pouted.

"What now?" I said as I laughed at her.

"Nothing," she said as she smiled at me. She was looking into my eyes and I was looking into hers.

Olivia's POV
I was making a pouty face at him. I was so tired. I leaned up and kissed him. We kissed for a few seconds. I laid my head back on his chest and closed my eyes.

This is where I've always wanted to be. In his arms, in his house, in his life as more than a best friend.

"I'm sleeping in your bed again, Stabler. I hope you don't mind," I say as I laugh.

"Not at all," he says as he smiles at me.

"You're a pretty good liar by the way," I say as I laugh a little.

"Well I kind of had to go with it because technically we are just talking, we aren't really together. We haven't talked about that, yet. But, yeah, I guess I'm a good liar when I need to be," he says as he laughs.

"I thought you were actually going to tell him there for a minute and I got nervous. I'm scared that if we tell him he will move one of us and I don't want to work there without you," I say to him. He moves away from me and takes my hands.

"Olivia...he would not move one of his best detectives somewhere else. He can't do that. We are both way too good for him to just move one of us. If he moves one of us, he loses both of us," he says to me. I smile and he kisses my forehead.

"I'm really tired. I'm going to sleep," I tell him and I laugh.

"I'm going with you," he says to me.

"That's fine by me," I say back to him.

We walk upstairs to his bedroom and it was just my instinct. I wasn't thinking. I took off my clothes and I was in my bra and underwear. I look over and he's staring at me, smiling.

"Do you have a problem?" I say as I begin to laugh.

"No, you're just beautiful," he says, smiling at me.

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