Chapter 4

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Elliot's POV
We had to have been standing there for what feels like forever and I don't know what to do or think. I'm staring into her eyes. I want to kiss her but I don't know yet, so I don't. "I'll see you later?" I ask, desperately hoping to hear a 'yes' back. She's begins to smile a little.

"Of course," she finally said. I tried to calm my self on the inside and play it off.

"Okay, good," I manage to get out, "How's tomorrow at 6:30 P.M. at my place?" I add on.

"Sounds great," she says, smiling.

"Okay, see you then," I say and we hug.

Olivia's POV
I was kind of hoping for a kiss, but the hug was perfectly fine by me. I can't help but feel as if he wants to see me again tomorrow night.

I'm debating on dressing a little more casual or dressing up. I close my apartment door after I watch him get into the elevator. I put my back against the door and just continuously smile. I can't stop.

This was one of the best nights of my life. I feel like Captain Cragen is going to kill us if we tell him. Or IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) is going to kill us. Or our DA (District Attorney) would kill us.

The only reason why is because when or if one of us ever gets in trouble or are involved in a case, their first instinct is to think that one is protecting the other. Which completely makes me mad, but I get it. It's work.

They have to take into consideration that we are involved with each other. Look, I'm already getting too ahead of myself. That was the first date and I don't even know if he likes me or not. I wipe the smile off of my face, lock the door, and walk into the living room.

I get my phone out of my purse, lay my purse on the kitchen counter, and head to my room. I turn out all the lights and close my bedroom door.

I lay my phone on the nightstand next to my bed and walk into the bathroom, turning the light on. I pull my hair into an elastic and take off all my make-up. I took a shower this morning so I'll take one tomorrow evening before my date with El.

I take my heels and put them back into my closet and change from the dress I was wearing into some galaxy print yoga pants and a purple tank top. I left the bathroom light on, and got into bed.

I turned my lamp beside my bed on. I climb into bed, pick up my phone and debate on calling or texting Elliot.

Elliot's POV
I spend the whole drive home thinking about Liv. I pull into my driveway and walk into the house, locking the door behind me.

I turn off the lamp in the living room and walk to my bedroom, closing the door behind me. I take my wallet out of my pocket and lay it on the nightstand along with my cell phone.

I change into boxers and a t-shirt to sleep in. I get into bed and pick up my phone. I think about texting Liv, but I don't know what to say. I had a great time with her tonight, but I don't know how she feels.

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