Chapter 3

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After being in the elevator for about 5 minutes we both started to say something at the same time and laughed. "You first," I said laughing.

"I was gonna ask where you wanted to go?" he said smiling a little.

"Um...I was thinking dinner and a movie?" I said a little confused.

"That'd be great," he said, reassuring my confusion with a smile.

"We could go eat at an Italian restaurant and go watch The Notebook?" I said with a weird face.

"That'd be perfect," he said smiling.

Someone finally came and fixed the elevator. We went and had dinner, some wine, and a good conversation. Then, left to go to the movies.

In the middle of the movie, he placed his hand on mine and I was doing the best I could not to smile. I clutched his hand back and looked at him.

He smiled and so did I. When the movie was over, he took me home and walked me to my apartment. We stood there, looking into each other's eyes.

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