Chapter 19

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Elliot's POV
I'm the only one not drunk. I finished my first drink, but by the time I finished Olivia had already downed 4 and was beginning her fifth one.

So, I decided to be smart and stop drinking. Someone needed to drive us back to my house. We were all having a good time. Fin wasn't drunk, but I wouldn't quite say he was sober, either.

"Elliot..." Olivia says to me. I could hear the slur in her voice. Definitely drunk.

"Yes?" I say back to her, smiling.

"You are really handsome," she says as she begins messing around with my shirt.

She grabs my collar and pulls me in, crashing her lips into mine. I kiss her back. It was more of a rough kiss. I felt her guide her tongue along my lower lip. I allow her entrance to my mouth.

Our tongues fought for dominance, I won. But she quickly dominated me again. We pulled apart, she smirked at me.

"Olivia, you are drunk," I say as I laugh at her. She laughs as well.

"So?" she says as she smiles back at me. I couldn't help but smile back at her. "Can we go back to your place?" she asks me. She begins messing around with my collar again and I look down at her fingers.

"If that's what you want," I say to her, looking up at her and smiling. She nods at me. We get up and begin to walk out.

"Where are you two headed?" Fin asks us out of the blue, before we could make it out the door.

"Olivia's getting a little too drunk and I'm getting tired," I tell him as we walk out.

"Well...I guess we will catch you guys at work tomorrow?" he asks me.

"Yeah...and you all are going to have hangovers," I say as Fin and I laugh. "See you," I say as I put my hand on the small of Olivia's back.

We walk out and I open the car door for her. I walk around to the driver's side and get in.

We get to my house and I help Liv out of the car. We walk in and I lock the door behind us. Olivia almost immediately backs me up against the door, putting her arms above my shoulders.

She kisses me. I grab her legs and wrap them around my waist. She puts her arms around my neck and we continue to kiss, only breaking the kiss when oxygen was a necessity.

"" she says in between kisses.

"Are you sure?" I ask her, since she was a bit drunk.

"Yes," she says as she kisses me again.

"Liv, I don't want to take advantage of you," I say to her.

"El, you aren't," she says, crashing her lips against mine once again.

I don't hesitate and I carry her upstairs. She takes off my shirt in the process of going up the stairs, only breaking our kiss to get the shirt over my head.

Then, our lips meet immediately. I open the door to my room and turn around putting Olivia up against it, closing the door. I take off her shirt. She unwraps her legs from my waist, but keeps her arms around my neck.

I unbutton her pants and throw them across my room near the edge of the bed. She takes off her bra and underwear and I take off my pants and boxers.

*the next morning*

I woke up with Olivia in my arms. I smiled and kissed her forehead. I get out of bed, not waking her. I put on some underwear and a pair of sweatpants.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen. I knew Olivia was going to have a hangover. I made her some breakfast, along with two aspirin and a glass of orange juice. I carry it upstairs for her to eat in bed.

"Liv?" I ask, trying to wake her gently. She groans.

"My freaking head hurts so bad. What the heck happened last night?" she asks, tiredly. I laugh at this.

"Well, you have a hangover," I say as I laugh.

"No. You wouldn't say," she says sarcastically. I smile.

"You had 5 scotch on the rocks and were crazy," she looked under the covers at her naked body.

"Did we...?" she asks me, with a smile on her face.

"Yeah," I say, kissing her forehead. "I brought you breakfast and aspirin," I tell her, putting the food, orange juice, and aspirin on the nightstand beside her.

"How sweet!" she says and she puts her hand on my face and kisses me. Our hands intertwine as our kiss ends. "I gotta pee first," she says as we both laugh.

"I'll wait," I said as she got up and our hands slowly fell apart.

Olivia's POV
I walk in the bathroom and pee. I have no clothes on. I don't mind, it's just Elliot. I look at myself in the mirror after I finished peeing and splashed myself in the face with some water. There are marks all over my neck and body.

"El!" I yell. He rushes in the bathroom.

"What's a matter?" he asks me.

"What happened to me?" I ask him. Last night is coming back to me in fragments. I see Elliot and I, but it's not the whole thing. I see parts of us.

"I made sure to let everyone know you are mine," he says to me, coming behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. I smile and put my hands over his.

"So, I take it we are official?" I say turning to face him.

"Yes, of course," he says, smiling at me. I smile back and walk out of the bathroom.

I throw on some panties and a bra. I put on a black shirt with black pants and my black work boots. I pull my hair into a clip on the back of my head. I eat my breakfast that El made me and take the aspirin. Elliot finished getting ready right as I finished the orange juice.

"What time is it?" he asks me from the bathroom.

"It's 6:49 A.M. We better get going," I say to him. He walks out of the bathroom.

"Ready?" he asks me.

"Yeah," I say to him.

I take my plate and glass downstairs with us and place it in the sink. We walk out of his house and we decided to take separate cars. Before we get in the cars, we kiss each other.

"I'll see you at work," I say to him.

"Okay, I'll stop and get us coffee so that way I come in later than you," he says to me before we get in our cars and drive off.

A/N: Guys, I just want to say that I'm so sorry for the next chapter. I was crying my eyes out just writing it. I'm so sorry. Really, I am. Also, I need names to call you guys. {I don't make A/N that often, but for when I do💕} So, comment or message me some ideas☺️ Once again, I'm so sorry. I love you all😝❤️ {read on, loves}

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