Chapter 10

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We were on our way to the sister's house. When we got there Elliot looked me right in the eyes before we got out of the car.

"Are you know, with all this?" he asked me. I could sense the amount of concern.

"There's nothing to not be okay with. It's perfect. I don't mind people at work saying that we are hooking up. It doesn't bother me at all. Something really bad would have to happen between now and the time we become serious. I don't care what people think about us. You are perfect to me and always will be. Remember that. Even if you do something or I do something to mess all of this up. Or if I get really mad at you, I don't mean the things I say. I have always cared for you so much and nothing can change that," I said to him.

I felt like I was going to break down and cry because he means so much to me and I don't know what I would do if he ever left.

"Liv," he said, taking a pause before continuing. "I feel the same way. No one can come between us. If I mess this relationship up, gosh I hope you can forgive me. I would never do that to you. Not on purpose. I care for you, I always have and I always will, Olivia," he said. I thought I was going to cry.

"I'm just so happy that after all these years, we have finally spoken to each other about it," I said to him, but I paused and had this confused, but mischievous look on my face.

"What? What's wrong?" he asks me with concern.

"Relationship, you say?" I laugh a little.

"No, Liv I didn't mean it like that," he said, laughing.

"It's fine. Oh, are we still on for tonight at 6:30 at your place?" I ask him.

"Yes. That is have plans?" he says to me.

"No. Of course not," I said smiling at him. "Now, since we figured that out. You ready and go solve this case?" I say while laughing a little.

"Let's go," he says. We get out of the car and walk into Jessica's building. We walk up to her apartment and knock. She quickly answers the door.

"Hi, Jessica?" I say.

"Um...yes that's me. What's this about?" she says like nothing in the world is wrong. I honestly don't think she knows about her sister.

"Detectives Benson and Stabler. Manhattan SVU. Your sister was murdered last night," I tell her. Gosh I hate telling people that, but it's my job. I immediately sensed her mood change.

"No. No. No. I...I think you have the wrong person," she tells me, not wanting to believe me.

"Ally Garrison is your sister, right?" I ask her.

"Oh my gosh," she says. She immediately begins crying. She puts her hand on her mouth and turns around, walking back into her apartment. Elliot and I follow her in.

"Could you tell me what happened?" she asks us when she finally steadies crying.

"Of course," I say. I put my hand on her arm trying to calm her down. "She was found this morning in an alley. She had been shot twice, stabbed multiple times, and raped. That's why we are here. We need you to tell us everything you remember about last night," I tell her.

"Well...we went to a club last night. I had one drink and that was it all the other girls got drunk. I was the only sober one there. I thought we were being followed, but everyone said to ignore it. So we did. And now this. I knew something was going on," she began to cry again.

"Thank you so much, Jessica. You helped us a lot today," Elliot said to her. We both smiled at her and walked out of her apartment, back to the car.

We were headed back to the precinct and I looked at the clock on the radio. It was 3:47 P.M. We would reach the precinct around 4:10 P.M. or so. That means I would have 2 hours to get ready.

"I'm only gonna have 2 hours to get dressed by the time I get home," I say to Elliot.

"Liv. You look beautiful like you are now," he says to me and flashes a smile.

"Thank you," I say smiling back. We pulled up at the precinct and walked inside and got into the elevator. It wasn't awkward silence this time.

"Are you ready for tonight?" he asks me.

"Of course," I said to him while smiling. The elevator dinged and we got off.

I quickly arranged my files and said goodbye to everyone and that I would see them in the morning. I walked off and got into the elevator. All of a sudden, a hand came in the elevator, stopping the doors. It was Cassidy.

"Mind if I catch a ride with you?" he asks me, flashing a smile.

"Oh, yeah. No problem," I tell him, smiling back. This was the awkward silence. I felt odd. I just had to say something.

"Listen. I know you hate me because you think Elliot and I are hooking up, we aren't. If we were, you don't have a right to get all mad at me and not be yourself at work. It's not fair to me, to you, or to the whole squad. You need to for-" I was cut off and he kissed me.

I pushed him off of me. The elevator dinged and we got off. I looked at him.

"What the heck was that? Cassidy, you can't just kiss me like that," I said. I was furious.

"Why? You aren't dating anyone, so it shouldn't matter," he says to me.

"So what? I don't like you...not like that. Just let me go. Let me and you ever happening go," I say to him. He could tell I was mad by my facial expression, my tone, and my body language. I was walking out when someone grabbed my arm.

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