Chapter 6

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Olivia's POV
The confession he just made to me...I couldn't believe what I just heard. I was in tears. Not at the fact of sadness, but the fact that he felt the same way about me. I was still in shock. I don't know what to say so I say what comes to mind first.

"El," I pause. "That was, I don't know. Perfect. I never knew that's how you felt. And about Kathy, I'm sorry. I feel the same way about you. The second I saw you, I new sparks flew, but you were married. There was nothing I could do about that, so I became the best friend I knew I had to be. I supported you and your relationship and sometimes you didn't like me for trying to fix the relationship when you and Kathy were arguing, but I know you always loved me," I was smiling at this point. But I couldn't help but kind of...snap a little. "Excuse this but, how can Kathy even begin to feel that way about be? Hating me, really? If it weren't for ME, you and Kathy would've broken up after the first few fights you two had. Especially, if she knew that you loved me and I loved you back. She would've been screwed at that point. I can't believe her right now. I always thought she liked me. All those times she came to me crying over things that happened between you two. I can't believe she was just using me. She knew the whole time, didn't she? The fact that if I wouldn't have talked you out of being with her, you two would've been divorced and it would've been over. WE would be together right now," I said, more furiously than I think I meant to. I couldn't help it, I was mad. I felt my anger rising, I had to let that out. I looked over at Elliot to see him smiling. I looked at him confused. "You're...smiling?" I say in an odd tone of voice.

"Now, that was perfect," he said laughing.

"What?" I said, I could tell I was getting even more mad than I already was.

"You're cute when you're mad," he said, with this heart-melting look on his face.

Looking into his beautiful, blue eyes, I kind of faded away for a minute. But I smiled, letting him know I heard him. I still couldn't believe that he was here. In my apartment. Instead of laying up in bed with Kathy.

"So where even is Kathy?" I say.

"Oh. She still lives around here, somewhere," he chuckled a little. I looked down and we both looked at each other at the same time. It was in that moment, I knew that he was perfect for me.

Elliot's POV
After we met each other's gaze, we were both smiling and I couldn't stop staring into her eyes. A deep brown. They were perfect. I hoped our kids got her eyes. 'Woah. What did I just say?' I said to myself. I need to take a step back. We aren't even dating yet. But I know we are meant to be dating.

"So...I guess I'll be heading out now," I said. Although I didn't want to, I know I needed to.

"Okay...I'll see you at the precinct in the morning?" she asks.

"You know it," I replied. Standing up out of the chair, I start walking to the door, Liv behind me. I open the door and walk out, then turn to face her.

"I had a great time tonight, Liv. Even though it was only an hour or so," I tell her.

I honestly did have a great time with her tonight, in that one hour. I think I had a better time with her tonight than Kathy and I did our entire marriage.

"Yeah, so did I," she said, smiling.

"I'll talk to you later," I said.

"You too," she replied. Then we hugged goodnight.

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