
Start from the beginning

An hour later we were sitting in the cafe waiting for virat.

"Is he going to come here or not?" she asked.

Just then virat entered I smiled at him n said "look he is here".

"Think of a devil n the devil is here" Di said.

I gare at her and then turned to virat "virat met my sister Tanushri n Di met virat kohli" I introduced them.

"Hey nice to meet you" virat said with a friendly smile.

"So you got my sister drunk last night" Di said.

I gared at her then virat said "sorry about that but she needed to chill a bit so... She has too much of stress to deal with" virat explained.

"Thanks to you that at the age of 23 she acts like 32" Di said with a evil smile.

I told you she hate him with a gut. God i just hope virat doesn't mind it too much.

"Di it was my decision to work so don't blame virat for it. I knew from the starting about all the stress"I told her.

"And she is really good at her work" virat added looking at me with a smile.

"That she is. But I'm not quite sure about you" Di said.

"Di just drop it" I told her with a look 'stop right here'.

"So Ms. Tanushri you are a scientists that great" virat told her.

"Yep.. It is good I like to find-" di started but I cut her by saying "different microorganisms. Its gross di"I said.

"Oh... You will never understand the importance of it" di told me.

We always have this debate abut our works. I hate organisms n she loves it.

"I'm not interested in wasting my time on bacteria n viruses" I told her.

"Oh.. Yes coz you ate more interested in making money" she told me sarcastically.

"You both are very cute " virat said with a smile.

"Why thank you" I said.

After this unusual Introduction we ordered our foods.

While we were waiting for food I scroll through my twitter when a news cot my eyes.

I screamed "no it can't happened they can't leave like this"I scouted.

Both di n virat looked at me with concerned "what happened Vertika what's wrong" di ask me.

I showed her my phone. And put my head down. They can't go without me meeting them.

Then virat  n di started to laugh. And hard.

I stare at them like they are crazy.

"Its not funny OK don't laugh at my pain" I told them with anger.

"It is trust me " di said laughing so hard I thought she will fall from the chair if she doesn't stop.

"Shut up both of you"I told them with anger.

"Vertika you really are upset because of this" virat asked me.

"Yes I'm. they are leaving,virat" I told him.

He sober up a bit and took my phone and showed me the screen n said look at it again" he said.

The article says The famous British Boy band One direction has called a quite.
Their last show will be on 31 of February 2017...

Wait 31 of February. But February is month of 28 or 29. That means........

"Oh my goodness I can't believe my sister will be this gullible" di said going in another laughing fit.

After a few minutes we all started to laugh like some insane person.

Seriously I'm so stupid I just doesn't read the date I just fell fr some stupid joke. I'm really gullible n I made a fool of myself in front of di n virat.

I'm stupid I really am. But it don't matter coz in the end everyone had fun. Even if the joke was on me. It feels good to watch two people that you love the most being happy.

Hey guys second update of the day. I'm so proud of myself.

And the incident of One direction is true. One time I really fell for an article when has the same date.
I know I'm stupid that why I included it. I just am a big fan of one direction. So the news that they are calling a quite hurts.

Don't forget to vote n comments.

Love you all-vmonster

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