¤Chapter TwentySeven¤

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♡Choose a guy who will take you to meet his parents, not his bedroom♡

"I didn't get pregnant mother." I said furrowing my eyebrows together.

"Then why is there a baby in your arms?"

"My girlfriend fell pregnant and she gave it to Newiline..."

"Get out both of you." She snapped suddenly. "You got a girl pregnant and you have a child. I don't own you anymore."


"Babe you're really quiet talk to me." Jc whines rubbing my thigh.

"I'm fine." I say and put my hand over his.

"Okay." He smiled.

We arrive at my house shortly after and i fed Brooklyn and had her laying in my lap and making giggles as i tickled her sides.

"Presious." I heard Jc coo from the kitchen.

"She's mine Caylen." I poked my tongue out at him.

"Sure babe." He grinned and walked over to where i was and kissed my lips.

Brooklyn made a sob and as soon as we pulled apart it stopped.

"Someone's jealous." He grinned and poked her cheeks.

"Go make me food. I'm hungry." I smirked as he kissed mine and Brooklyn's foreheads.


"I wanna take you out on a date." Jc said as his arms went around my waist and his head on my shoulder.

"But we have no one to watch Brooklyn, she's only around three weeks old Justin."

"Don't call me Justin." He whined trying to hide a smile.

"But you love it."

"No." He said completely serious with a stone cold look. After a few seconds he broke out into a smile while giggling and swaying us back and forth as he hid his face.

"You scared me." I rolled my eyes and hit his shoulder.

"You still love me though." He pouted.

"Of course!" I grinned and kissed his cheek before pecking his lips.


"First date with a kid. Smooth." I smirked playfully and wriggled my eyebrows which caused Brooklyn to giggle.

"Shut up." His cheeks went a light shade of pink.

A waitress placed my food in front of me and i thanked her, before she looked at Brooklyn and smiled.

"She's so adorable! How old?"

"Around three weeks."


"That was the best date ever!" I mocked spongebob's song as Jc spun me around in the living room.

"Even though it had a small child?"

"Even with. Wanna hear a joke?!" I smirked.

(I beg you not to kill me i say this joke a lot)

"Why do girls travel in odd numbers?" I grinned.


"Why?" He jokingly sighed and rolled his eyes before he looked into mine again.

(Just kill me *stands their with my arms open wide* A A A A A A ALL THE RAIN DROPS SOMETHING SOMETHING <Barney refferance. I sorry. Pls forgive me)

"Because they CAN'T EVEN." I giggled as Jc just pulled me closer and let out a small chuckle.

(pls don't kill me or i'll be like 'U WOT M8')

"You suck at jokes." He said.

"Show me what you've got then." I challanged.

"Look at that." He showed me a picture of a van with a famous painting on it. "It's VAN GO."

We burst into laughter at that cringe fest.

"Dude careful, at that age hip-hip hooray could turn into hip-hip hip replacement." I wriggled my eyebrows as he bursts into giggles.

(I'm not even sorry x'D)

Latter that night me and Jc watched a movie while cuddling until i fell asleep but woke up because Brooklyn was crying.

I changed her and she still cried. I held her in my arms and wriggled  my eyebrows which calmed her down to the point she was so tired that she was just like a light switch.

I laid her back down before bumping into a groggy Jc. We went upstairs and fell backwards on the bed.

"I'm so tried but i can't sleep." I groaned.

"Just shh." Jc said as he pulled me closer to him.


I did end up falling asleep but woke up roughly two hours later. I put on one of Jc's shirts with some pajama shorts.

"I must say you look great in my clothes." Jc mumbled and kissed my temple.

"I don't look great i look fabulous. geez get it right!" I joke and flip my hair.

Teasing The Broken Girl.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें