•Chapter Thrëë•

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Don't Pretend You Care•

Let's be honest here; kissing a guy with a lip ring is just fucking fantastic. The way the cold metal just comes into contact with your lips and how it pushes it a little and when you want to deepen the kiss and you swipe your tongue across it.

Luke swiped his tongue across my bottom lip and I gave his access, out tongues fought for dominance with him winning. I play with the hem on his shirt with one hand while my other hand was tangled in his hair while his were on my hips pulling us closer.

We part away with heavy breathing but both knew it was worth it, "So that date?"

"Fuck yes." I breath.

A knock came at the door and Luke placed me on the ground, I opened my door to revel his mum with an angry glare.

I motion Luke over and he quickly slips on his shoes and gave me a huh before walking towards the car and getting in.

"Isn't it weird for the babysitter to be making out with someone their babysitting?!" She hisses.

I feel my face go pale and see Luke's go pale as well. "He's over 18 and if their like a five year old or something of course I wouldn't do that but with Luke it felt right."

"I'm not using your shitty sitting anymore." She barks throwing money at me. "I forbid you to see my son!"

She walks to the car and hauls it down the driveway and out of view. I pick up the money she threw at me and see she paid less then she said she would.

This is way relationships won't work for me. They always end with me picking up pieces of my heart or I'm forbidden to talk or go on any sates with them.

I believed I would die alone and no one would come to my funeral.

I placed the money on the counter before sitting outside on the steps and crying every problem I had in my mind out.

"Hey Newiline."

"Fuck off Caylen."

Jc sits down next to me and pulls me in his side and he wraps his arms around me.

"If you're trying to make me fall for you its not working." I say with my words shaking.

"I am gonna make you fall for me."

"No, I won't fall for you because you'll just leave me like you do to other girls! And once again I will have to pick up the fucking pieces of my damn fucking heart!" I nearly shout.

He stands up and offers a hand, in where I decline. He leads me inside my own house and sit down on the couch before patting the spot next to him.

I sit down next to him and he opens his arms with a huge grin on his face. I scoot over next to him and put my head on his shoulder while his arm wrap around me.

How long have I waited for someone to hold me?

Far too long.

"Why were your crying before?" He asks.

"I got a date but then his mum forbid it because she caught us kissing in the kitchen, I never get dates anymore because I feel like I'm too busy for any relationship. Fuck, I haven't even made a friend and I've been here for nearly 2 years! What the fuck is wrong with me!" I ramble on letting tears slip from my eyes.

He kissed the side of my head, his lips were warm against my hair and skin, something that I want from a guy; 'calm the fuck down' side head kiss.

"You'll find someone who loves you and will take care of you forever and ever and won't let you go until the day you both die."

"Wow Caylen. That's so wise what did you look up on google?"

He scoffed, "You wish I used google babe."

"I hate google Honey."


"Don't be cheesy Caylen."

"Cheesy? I think you mean cliché." He mumbled before smacking his lips onto mine.

Stupidly I kissed back.

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