•Chapter Twø•

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•Truth is, You're the reason I don't believe in love anymore•

"Can I help you Caylen?" I ask cocking my eyebrow up at the boy standing in front of me.

"I really need that talk booked now." He rushes out not even making eye contact.

"Look, I'm a very busy woman and I don't have-" I was cut off by him.

"Please! I can't talk to my parents or go see a therapist because I'm scared of what they'll say!" He yelled.

"Jc its their job not to judge you. Its their job to help you." I give him a small smile.

"Can I talk to you though? Just outside on the beach?" He pleads.

"Fine." I give in. I grab a jumper with a skull on the front and follow Jc to a spot in the sand.

"Okay go." I mumbled rubbing my arms at how cold it suddenly was.

"Well my parents haven't been the best lately because my grades and dropping and they found that I'm breaking more girls hearts and truly I don't care about a girls feelings. They are just like us men, but they get more emotional and get more lovey with a guy and ends up being clingy. I was like that as a kid but got over it so most girls should just man up about it." He sighed after his rant.

"Jc, you shouldn't tell girls to 'man up'. We have different feeling sometimes and getting more 'lovey' Is just a way of showing how much we care for you men and the clingy thing? Not all girls are like that. Sometimes when we're emotional we want that special boy to tell us we're beautiful and that we'll be okay. You shouldn't take advantage of girls when we don't ever take advantage of you men, we like it when a man shows us live back by looking at us differently to other girls or when he just wants to cuddle you or when he protects you from all the other guys and calls you his girl. All girls want is for you to be happy then them self's." I finish.

"Have you ever been in love?" He says catching me off guard.

I blushed embarrassed, "No, I've been in relationships but never fell in love. It was just like"

"Maybe I could be that love you've always wanted." He said grabbing my chin between his pointer finger and thumb.

"How about, I'm not gonna fall for you Caylen, I have no time for relationships anymore with school, work and helping people get over your stupid heartbreaks. I have my own problems, goodbye." I smile going back inside.

I shut the door and slid down onto my butt, I ran a hand through my hair as I still remembered how my dad actually kicked me out, not me wanting to move out.

School and work were just adding stress to my life and since I'm now the schools 'heartbreak therapist' it just adds more time into my day that I could use babysitting kids.

Jc wasn't making my life easier either.

"Newiline are you okay?" I hear Jc say through the door.

I lock my door silently and simply reply with a 'yes'

He walks away, I walk up to my room where I change out of my clothes and into a baggy shirt and shorts.

Within a few minutes of me climbing into bed I fell asleep.


I woke up in the early hours of Saturday morning. I took a shower and changed into some denim high waisted shorts and a Nirvana top. I applied my normal makeup and slipped on some blue vans before going to the beach with a random towel.

I lay the towel down and sit crossed legged just admiring who calm the sea was and how the sun was only half way up into the Australian sky.

"Hey Newiline." Calum smiled sitting down next to me.

"Hi Calum." I reply with a smile.

"How've you been?" He asked.

"Alright, I guess but I'm just going through that phase of missing my parents I guess."

"Parents can be annoying but they brought you into this world for a reason." He was also big on helping people through tough times.

"Yeah, most girls just cry and think 'I was a mistake because my dads condom broke'" I mock making us fall into a fit of giggles.

"Have you found that lucky woman yet?" I ask.

"Yeah, her names Hailey." He blushed and looked down when he said her name.

"Well you're blushing so you must like her a lot." I gasp poking his cheek.

"Yeah." He grins. "I gotta go my sister and cousins are coming down for the weekend. Bye Newiline!" He waved as he walked back to his house.

Not long after I picked up my towel and dusted it off, I feel arms snaked around my waist and pulled me against their chest.

"Caylen." I said in a warning tone.

"Where were we?" I can just feel him smirking.

I sigh and elbow him in the stomach and skip back to my house enjoying the sounds of him groaning in pain I slightly smirk to myself.

I put the towel in the washing machine before there's a knock at my door, that's when I remembered I had to babysit.

I open the door and smile at the woman with blonde slightly curled hair and blue eyes like the ocean. Behind her stood what looked to be her son who looked about my age.

"Hey, this is my son Luke, I know you were expecting a small child but we can't trust him home alone." Luke rolled his eyes.

"Come in then Luke." I politely smiled.

I moved aside and waved to his mum who walked back to a car that drove off to somewhere. Luke took his shoes off by the door and shoved his phone into his back pocket.

"What's your name?" He asks and sits down in front on the TV that was playing Scooby Doo.

"My name is Newiline." I smiled and sat on the couch behind him.

"That's a cool name, where's it from?" He asks.

"Hawaii." I replied.

He smirked, "Can I have something to eat?"

"Sure follow me." I smile lightly as he followed me towards the kitchen. "What would you like?"

"Any leftover pizza?" He asks.

I nod and basically pull out a whole pizza, well more like 7 slices. "How many do you want?" I asked taking the plastic off the plate.

"3?" He says.

I put three on a smaller plate and put it in the microwave for 40 seconds.

"What's your name in English?" He ask moving closer towards me.

"Nevlyn." I say cocking an eyebrow up. "Why you ask?"

"Well doesn't most Hawaiian names have an English name?"

"Wow 'Ae we do." I said as the microwave beeped.

Luke trapped me in the corner on the bench and stood so close that our bodies were touching. He smirked and picked me up placing me on the small bench and standing in between my legs.

"How about, we go on a date sometime?" He grins tracing weird shapes on my thighs.

"Maybe Luke, I'm not that big on relationships." I rub the back of my neck.

He pulls my chin up so we make eye contact, his eyes flicker to my lips and I nod gently as he leans down and places his lips onto mine.

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