She was still tripping with my dad. Why I don't know. But they need to work this shit out so me and my baby can get started on our legacy! Jesus! Is it that hard for a girl to get laid around here? 😫

"Tell him to go and I'll go." She said.

"I'm not telling daddy to leave. And just like you, if I did, he wouldn't listen."

"You're a daddy's girl anyway so..." She rolled her eyes.

"Ma, I love you both the same. I am not taking sides. But you do need to talk to him."

"I'm done talking. I've done 24 years worth of that. Well 23, because I doubt we make it to our 24th year anniversary."

I rolled my eyes so hard. She was so, so stubborn. Jesus. She was stubborn.  Shoot me.

"Ma you and I both know you're not going anywhere."

"That's what he thinks. That's why he thinks he can treat me anytype of way. But I've seen Beyoncé's Lemonade and I'm not standing for it anymore. His ass is going to learn."

I laughed at how dead serious she said that.

"I'm serious." She looked at me.

I kissed my teeth. "Ma daddy is Auggie and Amiri on steroids. They worship the ground you walk on. But daddy would put himself in front of you so he could Be the ground. Everybody and they mama know that."

"That's what we thought about Jay-Z until Lemonade." She said.

She was so dramatic. She saw one Beyoncé video now, she was all hard. 😂😂

"Amber I'm not leaving until we talk about this." My daddy said on the other side of the door.

I went to the door.

"Don't open the door." My mother warned me.

I opened the door. My
Mother was mad but so what. I wanted them out. 😏

"Whatever it is work it out so I can be done playing peace maker for the day." I looked at them and closed the door.

Amber POV-

I stood against the dresser with my arms folded.

He walked over to me and tried to kiss me. I put my entire hand in his face.

"Kiss that Becky with the good hair."
I looked at him with the most serious face I could give, quoting a Beyoncé lyric from lemonade.

"Who the hell is Becky?" He looked at me confused.

"Beyoncé is on to you."

"Amber You think after almost 24 years of marriage, now is when Imma start to fuck up huh?"

"What else you doing? Because it's not me. Every since Miri and them left for school. You have spent more hours at that office than you have spent at home
With me. Sometimes weekends. You hire that new dentist. Looking like she belongs on somebody's hoe stroll rather than an office. And you think I'm too dumb to notice. You spend more time helping her "set up" her practice than you have spent with me. I am not stupid August. And how dare you. After I sacrificed everything to make sure you got where you needed to be. You know what. You can have her. Cause at this point. Im focusing on me. Focusing on getting my baby through this rough patch and that's it. I hope her ass is worth it." I threw up my deuces like Beyoncé in Lemonade. He grabbed me by my arm.

"Let me go." I tried not to yell to startle Sata and O. But I would. Especially if he tried to hit me.

"No you gonna listen to me."

"Let me go August or I will have my daughter and O up here so fast it'll make your head spin." I tried to yank my arm back.

He wouldn't let me go. He held me against the wall. "No you gon listen. Anybody that knows me know there is nobody more important to me than my wife. A nigga want to kill me, take you away from me. Because that'll do it."

I rolled my eyes and yanked my arm back. "Oh please. You've been dramatic since I've met your dumb ass. I'm not falling for it anymore." I pushed him out the way and went to packing my luggage.

He looked at me for a minute.

"Even with all we been through. Me proving time and time again the man I am. You still haven't changed. I thought after 26 years of being together. Almost 24 years of being married, you'd know me by now. Know that every decision I make is for you."

I ignored him and kept packing.

"I was trying to wait until our anniversary in April to tell you the news. But I've been working a lot because I'm retiring early.  You sacrificed so much for us, I wanted to sacrifice for you. So you wouldn't have to be alone. So we could enjoy that time together. So I could make up for all the nights you were with the kids and I wasn't. So we could travel the world. Start living life again. So I could be your cheerleader 100% of
The time and help you discover what you want to do now, without work being in the way. And I hired Veronica so that when I make that transition she can take over the office, but we'll still get money from The rent she would pay. That way our income would still be the same mostly. And should I have explained, yes. But I thought after all this time you knew me. But I guess not. So at this point, do you."

I put my head on the luggage in defeat as he walked out. Damn you Lemonade. 😖 🍋

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