"Maisy...we'll never get to the root of your anxiety stimulate your attacks if we don't try to get a little deeper."

I gave her a look, and seemed to understand I wasn't going to talk about it today.

My hands traveled to my neck reaching for the gold chain; but they didn't quite reach it, "Not today, we can try to talk about it later, please." I pleaded, pulling the sweater even further, to the point where it now concealed my hands.

She let out a soft sigh, "Okay... more importantly; How are you feeling Maisy?"


"Tired? What type of tired?"

"The kind where you could just lay in bed all day and forget your responsibilities- that kind of tired." I explained, stifling a yawn with a free hand.

She began to write in her notebook, "So if I'd invite you to the movies tonight you would stay in bed."

What a horrible question to ask.

"Movies with my psychiatrist, or sleep. Think I'll pass on the movies."

She glanced at me unamused, but seemed to tolerate my fussy attitude, "Did you take your pills?"

"Yeah." I responded, looking out the window.

There was a long pause, and I knew I must have said something wrong. I had calculated it, it was basic science...she always took a long pause when she was about to confront me about something.

"You didn't look at me when you answered that question"

I hadn't the heart to lie, or draw out the situation, "Okay, I didn't take them. But for good reason, they make me drowsy and I had exams this morning."

Again her pen hit the notepad, and she was probably writing down something along the lines of me being disobedient, or me rejecting improvement, "Have you been making anymore more friends?"

"I have Zayn, laurel and carter, and those are all the people I really need. Listen I have a great family at home who supports me, and friends. I don't need to be on those pills, I'm fine now."

"Thats great to hear Maisy, but it's crucial you stick to the prescription I filed for you. Is there anything you want to talk about, vent about? I know October is only a week away. The school year is moving quickly."

"Yeah it is... I mean there's is something I kind of want to talk about. I want to talk about him just this last time and then I'll be good."

"Okay and will you ever reveal his name to me? Is there a reason you don't tell me his name"

"No, Because it's not important...giving him a name is like making him seem more human when he is not. He's a horrible person for what he did to me."

"And what did he do Maisy? What did he do to you?" She asked, pressing her ball pen against the white crisp paper.

"He broke my heart."

"You don't speak a lot about him why do you want to talk about him today."

My fingers curled around the arms of the chair as my lips pressed into a thin line, "Guess I miss him a bit more than I should today... But I want to be clear i don't want to miss him. I want to forget he ever existed. I don't care about him."

"I see, it doesn't really sound like you don't care though. Did you love him" she questioned.

"With everything in my heart, even with how troubled he was."

"Did he love you?"

"At least that's what he told me, said he'd always love me, said he never loved anyone as much as he loved me. But he loved me so much he had to let me go...how cliche?" I answered with a sad smile.

"Do you want my comments Maisy?"

I nodded my head, waiting to hear her words of wisdom, "When two people love each other as much as you describe, they're never too far apart, and they will always find away back to each other. But if he's the reason that you hurt yourself...I want you to be careful because if he hurt you before, he can continue to hurt you if you allow."

She paused, my eyes locking with hers and the next things that came out of her mouth made my blood run cold, " If you no longer wish to think about him, and if you finally want to let him go...refuse to believe he ever loved you."


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Hey hey hey hey I missed you guys so much.I'm back and ready to start this crazy roller coaster ride over again.

So it wouldn't be an update if I didn't give you guys a question of the chapter.

Have you listened to zayns album?

I have and I really like it actually, it's very intense and a little mature but he sounds good.

Any crazy palms for the summer?

I want to live it up. It's my senior year coming up and I just want to have a blast.

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