They were all gushing.

" Oh I can't wait for your wedding congratulations "

"I don't know what to get you for a present"

" I can't wait to see you in the dress"

And so it went on, I smiled, laughed and chatted when and where appropriate, I gave Colton a help me please look after about fifteen minutes.

" Okay everybody back to work now, give poor Leanne some peace" Colton commanded clapping his hands for effect.

As everyone drifted back to work, I looked at Colton with my what's going on look.

He shrugged and said.

"May have been bullied into giving the staff the day off for the wedding and may have been bullied a bit more to invite them all to the reception afterwards" he muttered.

"But that's three hundred people are they part of the five hundred your mum's talking about" I asked in a high pitched squeak.

Colton shook his head no.

"But your mum said five hundred guests" I squeaked again.

"That was before I was bullied" he replied.

Oh lore that means nearly a thousand people at the reception, how am I going to cope with that, but hey I'm a big girl now, playing in the big league, time to step up to the plate, I can do this.

I looked at Colton who was looking decidedly worried as he stared at me.

"Do you want me to speak to mum, cancel the wedding, I mean being married to a Barratt means it will be a big event, can't get away from it I'm afraid, but if you want to..." He waffled on.

"No I don't want to cancel, I want to marry you, I was just thinking of all that washing up" well it was the first thing that came in to my mind as I tried to quell Colton's fears.

He gave me a strange look then burst into laughter.

Job done I thought.

"God Lea, how could I not love you my Tu sei Il mio eterno Il mio per sempre"

Before he gave me a bear hug and a panty wetting kiss.

At ten minutes to three, Colton and I stood outside the conference room.

"Ready?" He asked.

"As I ever will be "I replied with a grin.

We both took a deep breath and went in.

An hour and a half later we emerged, Colton slightly ruffled, as for me I was not of this world anymore.

When Colton's mum went on about the wedding, it was as though she was planning it for royalty. I could tell she was in her element. Me! I was way, way out of mine.

"You weren't kidding were you" I said still in a daze.

"Are we talking about my wedding, it's like a who's who of New York elite society" I added.

"Well it kind of is, you see the connection's father and grandfather have, means everything we do, the elite as you call them, have to come to and visa versa it's part of who we are I'm afraid"

"Oh!" I mused. "Well I suppose I'll get use to it" and under my breath so Colton couldn't hear, 'I hope'

"Shit!" Colton Suddenly burst out with.

"What, what's up" I panicked, I don't think I could take much more of the wedding planning today.

"Um, the media now know the date of the wedding, we are all over the news, look!" He said.

I turned to see the staff gathered around the TV in the lobby and there on the screen was a large picture of Colton and me with the third of November plastered across the bottom, I didn't need to hear what was being said, it was there plain as day for all to see.

Just then the elevator doors opened and out stepped Alex.

"Hi Lea" she said as she followed my gaze.

"Oh you've seen it then, the newspapers are full of it, every news channel, there's a sea of media outside the building, this has helped with the charity event we've sold all the tickets and people are still clamouring for more, keep it up girl"

"Gee thanks" I replied sarcastically "Here I am having a meltdown about the wedding plans and you come along and cheer me up with media and paparazzi waiting to devour me, Can things get any better" before adding quickly with a laugh.

"Don't answer that"

"Oop's sorry, just excited that the tickets are sold out all thanks to you and Colton"

"Hey Alex" I chastised her "Don't sell yourself short, if it wasn't for you there wouldn't be a gala to go to"

Alex blushed, like me she found it hard to except compliments.

The door to the conference room opened and out marched mum and Amber.

"Arh! Lea I'm glad I caught you, here's the itinerary for the wedding, see that you stick to it, can't stop got to get to the Waldorf Astoria I need to book the penthouse in the towers, for the honeymoon suite, before you fly off on your honeymoon" and with that mum and Amber, vanished, leaving me clutching a load of papers.

"Wow!" quipped Alex "Mum on a mission"

"You're telling me" I moaned looking at the list of appointments in my hands.

I showed Alex the list.

"Wow" she said laughing "Look at what you have got to go through"

"We, my dear Alex, we" I smirked.

Alex looked at me with a questioningly look on her face.

"Oh did I forget to tell you" I taunted "You're one of the bridesmaids"

"You mean it" she squealed.

I nodded, with another squeal she leapt at me and hugged me.

"Thank you, I've never been a bridesmaid before"

The itinerary was very precise, when we were trying on wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses, where at, what time, spa treatment, hair, beauty salon, cake selection and tasting, caterers to meet the list went on and on, ball gown fitting.

"Ball gown fitting?" Alex and I said at the same time looking at each other.

"I dread to think" Alex chuckled.

"What are you two up to asked Colton from behind us, making both of us jump.

" Jeez Colton " I stated "You frightened the life out of me"

"Well ladies it time to do battle, have you seen the media out there" Colton waved vaguely in the direction of the front of the building.

"Alex just cheered me up with that news, thanks" I replied with a smile, digging Alex in the ribs with my elbow.

With military precision knuckles and the rest of the security team fell into step as we made our way to the exit and home.

It was pure madness, fighting through the press in to the limo, with their incessant questioning, camera flashes, microphones shoved in our faces and it wasn't all media there were some of Colton's fans, most cheering, shouting congratulations asking for pictures and autographs, but a few were hurling insults at me and calling me names.

That hurt these people didn't know me so why pick on me, it seemed unfair, I hadn't done anything wrong, I fell in love with a man who pursued me and wouldn't take no for an answer.

When we arrived back home, we were immediately seized by mum.

I'm glad your here, what do you think about holding the reception here in the grounds? Good I thought so to"

She added before we had time to speak, then off she went again.

"Well I've got the people here who want to know where to put the tents and how many, I thought five and if we put them.... "

Here I tuned out it was obvious that mum had decided it all anyway. I just wanted to get through the whole thing alive.

The Pursuit of Leanne MastersWhere stories live. Discover now