Chapter 19: Things Just Get Worse

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Thanks for reading!!

Been busy with testing but I shall pull through and give you all this next chapter in Chiku's life.


I watched the sun set in the sand village. It was different than konoha's but still beautiful. I missed konoha almost, after being here for a few days. I've gone on long important missions before, but this felt different. I felt like I wouldn't see konoha in a while.

What's happening?

I sighed and walked on the roofs of buildings. My head throbbed for an unknown reason but I dismissed it and checked the area. Something felt so wrong but I couldn't put my finger on it. I headed towards the sand's ANBU unit to get more people to watch and to warn the kazekage.

What's that feeling?

My body felt weird and dizzy. The headache worsened and I clutched in pain. I flashed towards the kazekage as fast as I could. He was watching the moon before he looked over alarmed.

"What is it?" He asked while standing up and walking over to me.

I panted slightly as the pain worsened. I felt like I was going to explode.

"" I rasped out while trying to catch my breathe.

His eyes widened before reaching out to try and grab me. Before he or his sand could get me, blackness surrounded me. I felt like I was floating in it. It felt empty and scary. I'm usually never scared of something, but the lonely dark did.

It was ages later when something broke the silence. A familiar voice spoke up.

"Well well well, I caught the girl who escaped my clutches last time." Pein said as he chuckled.

My eyes widened as I tried to flash away desperately.

"Tsk tsk tsk, there is no where for you to run this time child. Now you will have to face the true pain that is coming your way." He said evilly.

Pain flared through my body as I flinched. Soon images appeared around until they stopped and I found my self in 'konoha'.

What? He's gonna have to try harder than that.

Boy was I wrong.

Soon screams filled the area and I ran towards, but my speed seemed so agonizingly slow. I got to a group of people and saw the Akatsuki killing villagers left and right. Konoha ninja appeared and tried to fight back but we're easily killed as well.

I reached for a kunai when I realised I was weaponless. I then just tried to use a wood style jutsu, but nothing happened.

Calm, it's only a Genjutsu.

I sat down and closed my eyes, while trying to block out the horrid sounds. But my efforts were useless. I heard them scream and yell in pain. They called out to me and beg for help. People I recognized were even killed. It seemed like decades before it stopped.

Did he give up?

I looked up and my eyes widened. There in front of me was Kakashi and Naruto. They were obviously in pain due to the strain on their faces. Blood trickled from their wounds.

"Chiku? Oh please help! Please please" Naruto begged as they were pushed to their knees.

"Chiku, why aren't you saving us?" Kakashi asked in fear and betrayal.

My mouth hung open in fear as I watched them get killed as well. Tears brimmed my eyes as the screams filled my ears. Soon there dead bodies was all I could see as their words and screams surrounded me. I felt dizzy as the image flicked and appeared all around me.

I just stood in one spot in fear of more of it. The pictures and sound just kept playing for days on end. I wanted to scream and run away but was stuck to that one spot. I was just tired of it.

Please just end.

Before I knew it a light appeared out of no where and started to get brighter and brighter.

**Kakashi POV**

It's been one month since Chiku went missing on a mission in the sand. During that time we were able to get the kazekage back to Suna. Tsunade wasn't giving up on Chiku and neither was the rest of us. We have a good feeling it was the Akatsuki. Jyira left to investigate it and hopefully find her.

The village wasn't the same without her. The ANBU was taken over by Danzo and I know Chiku will be pissed when she comes back. I walked around aimlessly while staying on alert. Then a bird signaling me to the hokages office flew overhead. I sighed and teleported to the doors.

Tsunade was sitting in her desk like usual, but she seemed off. Almost broken and sad. She looked up and put on a brave face. Soon Sakura and Sai arrived along with some of the summoning toads.

What's going on?

Lastly Naruto arrived through the door and seemed nervous.

"Granny, did Jyira find Chiku?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto! Don't call.... Never mind, and I have sad news for all of you." She said in a serious tone.

Please don't be Chiku.

"Is Chiku...?" I started but refused to finish.

"No, she is still not found, but the toads do know a possibility. She is being held prisoner by the Akatsuki. From what I heard they have been torturing and interrogating her. Although they seemed irritated with the lack of info they could get out of her." Tsunade said as a smirk had slightly appeared on her face before it then disappeared.

"Then what wrong sensei?" Sakura asked.

Tsunade seemed to hesitate and glance at Naruto before folding her hands on her desk.

"Jyira has been killed by the Akatsuki." Tsunade before looking down.

Everyone froze in surprise. Naruto's eyes widened. Time just stopped.

How could they kill Jyira-sama?

"Damn it" Naruto said before leaving the room and running off.

"He left a letter but it seems to be in a weird code. We are trying to figure it out but believe Naruto may be the only one to know. You are all dismissed" Tsunade said before we all left the room.

I walked to my house slowly. Jyira is dead and Chiku is in trouble, this isn't going to well. I opened the door and stepped inside before laying down on the couch.

Please hang in there Chiku, I'll save you kid.


Thanks for reading the story!



Bye peeps

Forgotten Child (Naruto fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang