Chapter 1: Graduation Day and a New Mission

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Hey guys here is my new story.
I'm still kinda new at this so comment any pointers or mistakes you come up with.
(I do not own Naruto)


Ah man Naruto why the hokage monument you baka.

I thought as I watched Naruto paint on the fourth hokage's face.

Well now I gotta get hokage sama

I quickly teleported into his office and stood in front of the desk. The third looked up at me and sighed.

"Don't tell me Naruto is doing one of his master pranks again Chiku." The hokage said clearly annoyed.

Well that makes two of us.

"Ya but this time it's graffiting the hokage monument wanna see what he wrote on your face?" I asked with humor written in my voice.

The hokage jumped up and both of us teleported to the roof. There was Naruto hanging from a rope with a bucket of paint.

"NARUTO!!!!!!" Iruka yelled while walking up to us.

Right on time.

Naruto looked down in fear at Iruka. I chuckled.

"Naruto! Now might be the right time to start running!" I yelled up at him clearly amused.

He cut the rope and started to jump from roof to roof while ninja started chasing him.

Oh Naruto you never cease to amuse me.

"Hokage sama I will be taking my leave. I got some paperwork to fill out and ANBU newbies to train. See ya" I said while disappearing in a flash.

BTW I used the flying Thunder God technique. As I appeared in my office I noticed lots of paperwork.

Shoot when did all this paperwork get here.

I sat down in my chair and picked up the first page. When I was halfway through with all the paperwork I got up and went to the training center. When I got there I saw about 10 people waiting to be trained.

This should be easy.

"OK everyone get into pair, you with the purple hair, you're with me." I said as everyone started to spread out with their partner and my partner and I stood in the middle of them.

"Today you will learn about stealth attacks to assainate your target. Of course these targets will be trained ninja who could kill you. Now to start off you will have to get in a crouched position, your eyes must never leave your target. When your target is distracted make your move" I said staring at my partner.

Right when he flinched I moved faster than they could react. No one saw me move until my katana was pressed against my partners throat. Gasps filled the room along with worried murmurs.

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