Chapter 9: Exams turn for worst

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I walked with team 7 to the chunnin exams very grudgingly. I hated these exams, they were worse then the ANBU exams and Jonin exams combined. As we walked up the stairs to the first exam room, we found everyone gathered on the second floor and not the third.

Two guys were guarding the door with a lame genjutsu on the sign to make it look like it was the right place.
I also noticed the two guys were the two chunnin that always guarded the gate. Sasuke walked up to them cockily and smirked.

I really hate his horrible attitude.

"Let us through and dismiss that horrible genjustu while your at it." He said while crossing his arms.

The two chunnin smirked and looked at Sasuke. Then they looked over at us and I gave them a warning glare. They tensed and broke out in a cold sweat. They made sure to look away from me.


"What Ya gonna do about it eh?" They said while keeping their distance from me.

I noticed a kid with a green jumpsuit and bowl hair cut walking towards us.

Oh no. If it looks like guy then it acts like guy.

I flashed to Kakashi and found him by the entrance door reading that stupid book again. He glanced over at me curiously.

"Where's my team?" He asked while casually flipping the page.

I smirked slightly and put on a very serious yet casual face.

"Tied up with your collection of perverted books and are about to be set on fire in 10..9..8..7..6..5" I counted as Kakashi dropped down on his knees.

"NOOOO MY PRECIOUS BOOKS!!" Kakashi cried in despair with anime tears.

I sighed and sweat dropped at his actions.

What about your genin team Ya baka.

He noticed the look on my face and got up.

"That is not something to joke about Chiku" he said as he pouted.

Says the one who cried over his books.

I saw the three genin approach and smirked.

Oooooooo Uchiha got his butt beat.

He seemed to notice the look in my eyes and glared at me. It seems as though he is threatening me.

Better wipe off that glare or I'll wipe I'll wipe it off for ya.

I glared even harder and his eyes widened. He looked away and busied himself with a wall.

I win.

"OK guys from here on out you are in it as a team and must work together. I'm proud of you all." He said while giving us his signature closed eye smile.

We walked into the exam room and we're greater by a lot of glaring genin. A lot of them didn't even look like kids.

"I'M NARUTO UZAMAKI AND I'M GONNA BEAT YOU ALL!!!"Naruto yelled as he pointed at the even angrier genin.

Baka you've just killed us all.

I sighed and walked over to the window and watched the clouds. Tonight or whenever I'll have to finish all those mission reports from the captains.

Ugh work.

I noticed all the genin rookies were together and talking really loudly. You can easily tell they're new. Any other genin would know that you and your team could die at any given moment.

I sighed and just kept watching the clouds. Soon Ibiki appeared and gave his most glaring of glares. He glanced at me and smirked.

Screw you too Ibiki.

"OK brats come get a number and seat. Also you rain ninja, no fighting." Ibiki said as he growled.

Ooo scary.

He noticed the smug look I had and glared. I gave him the innocent eye and batted my eyelashes. He just grumbled and handed out numbers.

Man I love messing with him.

I walked up and was assigned number 5, my favorite. I sat down and noticed a really creepy ninja sitting next to me. He seemed familiar and evil.

I don't like him. Oops I think it's a girl.

I silently ignored Ibiki about all the stupid words coming from his mouth and impatiently tapped my foot.

This is BORING!

I noticed everyone flip over their papers and I copied them. On my paper was a couple questions about how my day was going and how was the exams so far.

WTF is this.

I looked at the paper baffled and noticed the look on Ibiki's face. I smirked and started drawing a very rude finger. For the next hour I drew many rude things and words that would make Ibiki gasp for air.

"OK now for the final question..blah blah blah." He started but I soon ignored.

I already know your games Ibiki.

I was tempted to raise my hand and leave but I knew the old man would lecture me.

Please please please raise your hands guys.

Sadly my luck is horrible and Naruto decided to make a speech about not quitting.

"OK you all pass.." Ibiki was then interrupted by Anko.

My favorite fighting buddy.

We shared a look as she landed. Dango after these exams, I'll buy. We really have some good communication.

"What?!? Ibiki you've gotten soft! There are way to many kids. No matter, I'll knock out more than half of them." Anko said as she smirked.

This should be fun.

She lead us to a deadly forest.

Hmmmm. My favorite, everyone loves to take a stroll through dark forests.

She started explaining things, then that weird girl from earlier got her hair cut off. Might I add she was really creepy about it. Soon we were given contracts to sign.

If I die then they are not responsible. Like I'd die.

I stated writing on it. "If I get one cut you better be ready for butt whipping" I wrote with a smirk.

Soon we were given a scroll. Of course Sasuke wanted to hold on to it. We were lead to a gate and told to wait. Soon everyone was ready for this. I smirked, this will be easy.


The gates opened and we ran in, immediately I could sense that we were being watched and whoever it is, they have evil pouring out of them.


Thanks for reading.ヾ(*'∀`*)ノ

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