Chapter 5: Living with Team 7

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As the sun started rising I walked through the forest and nibbled on a strawberry.

Wow this forest is big, plus it's strawberrys taste really good.

I walked forward until I came across a big blue lake surround by dense forest. The water twinkled in the morning light as I sat on a mossy boulder.throwing the rest of the strawberry in the lake, I laid back on the smooth rock.

This mission is pretty relaxing.
I got up and sat in a tree writing in my journal about my life. I write so if I die there is some record of my life somewhere instead of being erased from history.

As the the afternoon approached I stopped writing and relaxed on the branch.

Hmmmmm when I get back I think I'll get some dango.
It would be a nice reward plus I'll make the old man pay for it.

As I looked at a squirrel, it ran up a tree, a ninja appeared in front of me.

I swiftly appeared behind them and lazily put a Kunai against there neck.

"One move and you die" I said emotionlessly.

I saw a flow of silver hair and put away my Kunai.

"Oh it's just you" I said and sat back down on the branch.

"Well that's rude, I just wanted to say hi to my friend and they don't care to see me!" He said with anime tears.

"Man up kakashi. I was thinking about important things and you ruined my thoughts." I said while flicking him in the forehead.

He cried in a ball for a while before clearing his throat. He put a serious face on and looked down at me.

"What are you doing here Chiku?" He said curiously.


I took out my katana and started to clean it.

"I'm not stupid. I knew the bridge builder was lying so I told the hokage and followed you guys." I said, studying the gleam of the blade.

"What are you going to do?" He said while sitting down and looking out in the distance.

I looked at the sky and put away my katana in it's white case.

"Sit here and wait" I said, as a sigh escaped my lips.

"Ya know you could stay with us, there's room." He said while looking at me.

I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Whoa!! I don't hang around with children." I said with a frown under my mask.

Kakashi sighed.

"Chiku, it would be a nice change from what you've been doing." He said looking me in the eye.

I guess. But I'll probably make a fool of myself.

"I don't know." I said while looking down.

"I'll buy you some dango~~" he sang while poking my forehead.

My eyes widened and I jumped on him squishing him in a hug.

"Yes!!!! I'll do it!!" I yelled happily.

He chuckled.

"Then you better transform into a regular genin kid instead of an ANBU head captain." He said while getting our that stupidstupid book.

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