Chapter 15: An Old Teammate

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Thanks for reading! Sorry I hadn't updated in a while but a friend of mine killed himself and me and my friends just needed to be together
But this chapter is dedicate to him




I tiredly stretched before sneaking outside away from all the paperwork. Normally I always do paperwork but I'm going to die if I do one more paper. I strolled around Konoha and saw the wall beginning to be repaired nicely.

It was a nice day as the sun shone brightly and birds sang in the sky. Everyone was busily doing their daily routines while children played ball or ninja. I jumped onto the gate and walked on it. My eyes scanned the area while my chakra searched for anything suspicious. I saw two silhouettes in the distance and squinted my eyes to get a better look at them. They were to far away but seemed to be leaving. I continued walking but kept my chakra radar on.

I wonder who they were.

Soon I felt Kakashi's chakra increase. I flashed towards him and appeared by his side. There in front of us was an old ANBU teammate of mine.

Itachi Uchiha.

"Chiku? I hadn't seen you since you and I were young ANBU."Itachi said with a small smile.

"The last time I saw you, you were running away. What are doing here? Don't tell me you plan on attacking the leaf." I said casually while crossing my arms.

The last time I saw him, he was talking to the hokage about the real reason he killed his clan. I won't fight him unless I have to. He did the right thing although it still surprises me the hokage had it done.

"I'm sorry Chiku, but I am afraid I need something rather close to you." He said while getting serious.

I narrowed my eyes.

"They're are only I few things I care for, what could you possibly want?" I asked cautiously.

"Naruto" he said while he got out a kunai.

My eyes widened but I grabbed my swords and unsheathed them.

"Then I guess it must sadly come to this old friend." I said while getting in a fighting stance.

"Chiku wait I..." Kakashi started but I cut him off.

"No Kakashi you're already injured I'll take care of the rest. I promise I'm not gonna let them get to Naruto." I said before jumping forward.

Itachi met me in the middle and his kunai met my swords. Sparks flew as my unbreakable swords were able to slice through his kunai. His eyes widened and he jumped away before I could cut him. He smirked when he found none but soon was surprised. I smirked at the small scratch on his cheek.

I flashed to him and he tensed as I appeared behind him with my right sword slashing down while my left one attempted to stab him. He jumped forward and I flashed behind him again, this time slicing him in half.


I thought right before a log appeared in place of him. He slashed at me from behind but I quickly jumped out of the way and kicked him in the side. He flew 30ft away before stopping himself and standing on the water. All of a sudden a huge sword swiped at me from the side. I easily deflected it out of their hand and looked to the fish man next to me.

"You're the number one swordsman in all the nations, The red fox. Although no one knew you were so young." He said while blood thirst filled his eyes.

"I want a battle to prove I am the best." Fish man said while his sword appeared in his hand.

I kicked him 100ft away and smirked.

"Maybe some other time!" I yelled before I noticed the Uchiha coming from behind.

Right before he hit me I ducked under him and kicked him in his back.

"Just give up Itachi, we both know you can't beat me." I said while crossing my arms.

"I may not be able to get you with my sharingan, but not everyone is like you." He said while smirking.

Right at that moment Kakashi had looked up and sadly met Itachi's eyes. A second later he screamed in agony. I flashed in front of Kakashi and blocked Itachi from him. I leaped at Itachi and swung my swords swiftly. I cut his cloak a little but he ducked from further damage. Before I could turn and hit him he kicked me away.

As I flipped onto the water I saw him going in to stab Kakashi. I flashed in front of Kakashi and took the hit. It stabbed through my right shoulder. I pulled the sword out and kicked him away.

"Naruto isn't here by the way, so I guess you're out of luck. This battle is over, it's pointless with things getting in the way. See ya later Itachi." I said before grabbing the three Jonin and flashing them to the hospital.

I stepped to the side and noticed Kakashi had passed out. I looked over and saw what Jonin were with him. Kureina and Asuma.

"Sorry, I have to warn Jyira. He and Naruto are vulnerable out there alone." I said while glancing at the unconscious Kakashi.

"It's fine you should go." Asuma said as he carried the unconscious man inside.

I flashed to Jyira and was angered by what I saw. I sighed and shook my head in disapproval. Jyira was surround by girls and had sake in
front of him. He had obviously had a couple drinks already. I walked up to him and gestured the girls away. He looked at me.

"Hey why'd you make them go!?" He whined while reaching for the sake.

I pushed the sake out of his reach.

"We have a situation. Where is Naruto?" I said seriously while crossing my arms.

He eyed me over before sitting back.

"He's hanging around town. Why?" He said while getting serious.

"The Akatsuki are after him. They sent Itachi Uchiha and a man I hadn't seen before although he appears to be one of the seven swords men." I said.

His eyes landed on my shoulder.

"You're wounded" he said while gesturing to my right shoulder.

I looked down at my shoulder and saw blood seeping through my armor.

"It's fine. Kakashi ended up in the hospital though. Watch Naruto, they will probably be here by this evening or night. I have to head back, the work doesn't stop and I don't want anyone to freak out so we'll keep it low profile." I said before flashing to my office.

I took off my armor and wrapped my wound in bandages. I don't have time for hospitals. Work had piled up while I was out. I sighed and kept working while keeping track of Naruto and Jyira.

Why do they want Naruto?


Thanks for reading guys!

Keep being awesome!

Bye Chikies!

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