Chapter 3: The Worst Mission ever!

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Hey guys thanks for reading
Hope you like it!

Here is CHAPTER 3!!!!!!


I sat quietly in the tree while I watched the target.

"Sasuke point A"

"Sakura point B"

There was a long pause.

"Oh! Naruto point C, believe it!"

Baka pay attention this is a mission.

"Naruto you're to slow be ready. Alright team seven go!" Kakashi said as they leapt into a different area.

Ugh why me.

"What is your distance from the target?" Kakashi asked.

"5 meters ready when you are" Sasuke said seriously.

"Ready believe it!!!!" Naruto yelled.

"Ready!" Sakura said excitedly.

"OK guys go!!!!" Kakashi yelled as the three genin pounced on the target.

Guess who our target is???

Naruto was first and grabbed the target.

"GOT IT!!!!.....OW!" Naruto yelled as the target started to scratch his face off.

Yes you guessed it! It's Tora the cat!!! Yay!......not really.

I sighed and teleported to the hokage's office. When I got there the hokage was sitting at his desk working. I walked over to my desk and sat down. Right when I grabbed my pen and started working, Kakashi and his team burst in.

   Sakura handed the cat to its owner and they watched in mostly horror as the old lady started to crush the poor cat. Naruto was snickering at the cat.

How rude Naruto the poor cat is dying and your laughing.

"OK team 7 your next mission is babysit the councils kid, help his wife with grocery's, garden picking......" The hokage started

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Naruto interrupted while putting his arms up in an x formation.


Please do so he'll stop yelling!

"NARUTO STOP IT YOU ARE ONLY GENIN!" Iruka yelled as Naruto turned his back to them.

"It seems Naruto needs to be refreshed on what the ranks of ninjas mean............" The hokage procedded to lecture about something I chose to ignore because of how boring his voice was.

"I had miso ramen today so should I try something else or.." Naruto started to say as he rubbed his chin.

Ramen is soo complicated.

Forgotten Child (Naruto fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora