Chapter 17: Start of A Battle

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Thanks for reading guys!!


Sorry I hadn't updated in a while.



I sat in my desk as people came in and set more and more paperwork on my desk. I groaned and lazily slouched in my chair. Tsunade and Jyira are set to come any minute.

Please be faster.

I was trying to stall time so I didn't have to do all the work. All of a sudden the door swung open and made a loud banging noise.

"Chiku!!" Naruto yelled.

I looked up eagerly and stood. I had my actual look on. Blonde hair, blue eyes, short stature.

"Good day Naruto" I said kindly.

I noticed that Naruto seemed stuck to me lately

Jyira walked in and nodded at me in a greeting. Then a blonde lady that I recognised as Tsunade walked in lazily. She scanned the room in distaste.

Oh boy.

Her eyes then landed on me and they widened in disbelief.

"Someone please tell me why there is a little girl at the head captain desk!!??" She yelled while pointing at me.

She didn't!!

"Please do not refer to me as some weak child." I stated calmly as I stood up.

"She is in fact the head captain and is wearing a disguise." Jyira spoke up.

I nodded in thanks even though I wasn't wearing a disguise. Tsunade didn't seem to buy it but moved on.

"Naruto why don't you go see your friends, we have some business to attend to." Jyira said while shooing him out the door.

Naruto nodded and ran off. I grabbed the hokage stack of papers and placed them on her desk. Then I neatly place mine in a pile to be delivered.

"How did your investigation go?" Jyira asked as he stared out the window.

"You wouldn't believe what I saw." I said in a very serious tone.

They both turned and looked at me curiously. I sighed and sat down with my hands folded on the desk.

"Do both of you know of the invisibility jutsu I created?" I asked.

They both shook there head no. Surprise had flashed across there face when they heard that I created it.

"Well it isn't just invisibility. You can't see, smell, hear, feel, or sense me. Not even the sharingun or any other kekei genkei can see it. Or so I thought..." I trailed off while thinking of the encounter.

I glanced out the window looking over konoha and stared at the busy, innocent citizens.

"The rinnegan...." I whispered as it flashed through my mind.

"What?!? That can't be true!" Tsunade yelled.

I turned towards her and took off my mask showing my serious look. She gasped.

"When I went into the Akatsuki's hideout their leader had the rinnegan. He had easily saw through my jutsu and I also noticed it wasn't the real person, It was a doll. He is using chakra rods to control them and uses them as weapons." I explained as I remembered sensing the trail of chakra.

Jyira seemed to be deep in thought as he listened.

"How did you make it out?" Tsunade asked surprised that I was even standing.

"I flashed to a clearing a mile out the village then flashed to my office." I said as I cut out the part about being wounded.

"Flash?" She asked while turning towards me.

Jyira had a knowing look as I reached in my weapon pouch and pulled out a special kunai. Her eyes widened and gasped when she saw it.

"How?" She asked shakily.

"Easy I just read a scroll about it and tada I can do it." I said before sitting down and grabbing a folder from within my desk.

"Here. This folder has the information I was able to obtain from the Akatsuki. Do not let it leave your hands." I said seriously.

They nodded and I got up.

"I will be checking the gate and barriers. Later." I said while giving a small wave.

I teleported to the top of the gate towards the front. I started to walk around on top the gate and access the damage. The gate was fine since the attack.

I sat down and dangled my legs over the gate while looking at Konoha. The sun was starting to set and people were doing some of their last errands of the day. I sighed and looked at the setting sun. It was quite the beautiful day.

I got up and walked through the now quiet empty streets. I decided to head back to the office and work some more. I noticed some people coming back from late night dining so I teleported to the office before they saw me.

I quietly sat in my seat and looked at the desk. There was pile of work and I noticed the some of it looked like the hokage's work.

You have got to be kidding me.

I sighed and grabbed my pen before starting on the work. Tsunade is not making me very happy right now.

A couple hours later I had finished the work and started to walk through the village again. I felt uneasy and me someone was in the shadows.

"Come out! There is no use in trying to hide from me." I said in a demanding voice.

A menacing laugh came from the shadows and out came....Ochimaru.

I glared and pulled out my two swords. He just chuckled and held up his hands.

"No need for that. I jusssst came for a vissssit." He said in a fake innocent tone.

"You're visit is unwelcome. Leave or I'll destroy you." I said while pointing my sword at him.

He chuckled and all of a sudden my swords flew out of my hands. I flashed and punched him. He flew into a tree and landed.

"'re reaction is fassst." He said while jumping down.

"Now that you arn't pointing swordsss at me, we can talk." He said while leaning against the tree.

"There is nothing to talk about." I said while staying alert.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"Your powers are so interesting that couldn't help myself and tried to research you. The weird thing are no where to be found in konoha's files. Now the only conclusion I could come up with are the head captain of the ANBU. But then I looked in the history of ANBU and couldn't find you as a cadet or you don't even appear at all in history." He said before stepping closer.

I stepped back and held up a kunai.

"That is none of your business." I said sternly.

"Well, you're not going to ssstop me. I'll be back." He said while chuckling and disappearing in the shadows.


I sighed and started walking to my office again.

This job is starting to become dangerous.


Thanks for reading!!


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