Chapter 16

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"I love you too Luke" I smiled before giving him a gentle kiss, only pulling away when Luke's phone rang. He quickly answered it and soon Michael's voice came though the loudspeaker.

"I have an amazing idea for the cover!"

"What is it then?" Luke asked Michael, obviously quite annoyed that he'd interrupted the moment.

"What about a song by The Script? Millionaires?" Michael suggested. The boys had pretty much been listening to all The Script's albums since I mentioned them when I moved here.

Luke and I both looked at each other and smiled, "Love that song" I laughed. 

"We know you do" Luke and Michael said simultaneously at each end of the call. 

We agreed that we'd talk to Calum and Ashton about it before finally agreeing on something but we agreed that we'd record it next Saturday as then we only had one more week at school which would be full of revision as we had exams the next week.

Luke and I talked for a bit before Dad text me and told me that I needed to go home immediately. I said bye to Luke and thanked his parents before going home.

I walked in the door and saw my Dad sat at the table with a man I didn't recognize. They were both dressed very smartly in suits so I was very confused as to what was happening. 

"Hey..." I began, extremely confused still.

"Please sit down Jess" My Dad said, pointing to the seat opposite where he was sat next to the strange guy that I'd never seen before in my life, although I strangely recognized him.

"Hi Jess, I'm from Universal Records" The man spoke, "I'm here to offer you a once in a lifetime offer" He continued. All I could do was nod as I was in so much shock.

"We've all been so impressed by your covers on Youtube and we believe that you have real talent" He said, smiling for the first time since I arrived.

"On behalf of Universal Records, I'd like to offer you a recording contract." He said, looking hopeful. I looked over at my Dad who was grinning like a Cheshire cat, obviously extremely hopeful that I accepted it too.

"I'd love to" I smiled, although those were the only words that I could get out as I was so shocked.

"There's only one catch" He added, "We'd need you to spend a year in America to record your album".

That's one pretty bit catch.

"Permanently?" I asked him.

"Yes, it will be hard work but with your talent you may be finished quicker. I understand you're only 16 but you will be able to go on your own. However you will only be able to take one person with you as we will be paying for your accommodation for the year" He added.

I couldn't take Luke away from the band could I?! Dad and Sara wouldn't want to leave the boys. Who would I take with me?!

"I'll give you time to think about it Miss Mitchell, please ring me when you've made your decision" He smiled. I shook his hand before Dad walked him to the front door as I sat stunned.

I grabbed my bag and walked up to my room. I sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands. How on earth was I going to be able to work this one out?!

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