Chapter 7

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The lesson finished quite quickly as I had Calum and Ashton to talk to through out the lesson and I got on quite well with Emma despite not really knowing her. We'd swapped numbers so we could maybe hang out sometime. Michael came to join myself, Calum and Ashton as we walked out of the classroom while Luke walked out with Megan and Trisha, one on each arm. 

"You okay Jess?" Ashton asked me. It was then I realised that we'd already walked out to where we normally sat at break and I hadn't said a word when I usually talk loads. "Not really" I murmured. "I'm always here if you want to talk?" Ashton offered with a small smile. I looked up and saw Luke standing over with all the popular girls, including Megan and Trisha who were still stood either side of him. I decided to try and distract myself by going on Twitter.

@JessMitchell_: Why am I such a mess? Now I know why you wont even go near me....

I quickly tweeted before putting my iPhone back in my bag. I knew this would happen, while we were alone, Luke would treat me so well, but once we got to school, where there were loads of girls way more pretty and popular than me, he would just forget about me. I quickly ate the chocolate bar I had for break just before the bell went. I had Maths with Calum next, maybe I'd be able to talk to him. Just as we went to the room Calum was on his phone while he was talking to me. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket to see Calum had tweeted me.

@Calum5SOS: Have math with @JessMitchell_ now... bring on the boredom! ;)

I quickly RT'd it and put my phone away just as the teacher walked in the room. It was a pretty boring lesson but Calum and I just talked most of the way through it as the work was quite easy. Lunch was the same as Luke hung out with the popular girls with their boobs hanging out and asses on show. I put my headphones in and listened to Lawson as I walked out of the campus for a break. The last two lessons I was in on my own and as soon as the bell went at the end of the day, I quickly tried to leave school without Luke finding me. Unfortunately, I failed.

"Jess!" Luke shouted, catching up with me only a few metres out of the gates. "Hey" I said, fairly quietly hoping he didn't hear. "Jess you need to tell me what's wrong" He said, looking at me. I couldn't just tell him could I? That would just be weird. I kept quiet until we reached my house. "You wouldn't understand" I told him before I unlocked my front door and locked it behind me. 

"Hi Jess, you have a good day?" Sarah asked me while she was making dinner. I put my bag on the island in the middle of the kitchen and sat on one of the stools surrounding it. Sarah walked over and sat down next to me. Even though I hadn't known her that long, I felt comfortable around her and ended up telling her everything and crying in to her shoulder. She hugged me until I'd stopped crying but by this point Nathan and Kieran both wanted to know what's wrong.

Sarah set the boys watching a film in the living room and finished off dinner. I quickly ate mine before going upstairs. I put my bag on my bed before going in to mini-studio and I began recording one of the songs I was listening to at lunch.

"You'll never touch my face, We'll never play these games, We'll never be the same,

I think about that night, You never said goodbye, You only walked away,

It'ls like my heart stopped beating when you walked away,

And all that I believed in is going to waste,

You'll never know that I loved, You'll never know that I trusted you in every way,

You'll never know that I miss, You'll never know that I think about you every day,

I never called you up, Because it hurt too much, Oh I regret that day,

I never dared to ask, If you would take me back, Scared of what you'd say,

Because my heart stopped beating when you walked away,

And all that I believe in is going to waste,

You'll never know that I loved, You'll never know that I trusted you in every way,

You'll never know that I miss, You'll never know that I think about you every day"

I finished recording and posted the cover of Lawson's "You'll Never Know" on my Youtube channel. I never got that many views because not many people knew about my channel but I didn't really care, I loved singing. I took a shower and decided to try and get some sleep, although that was pretty hard as all that was on my mind was Luke.

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