Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up. Tuesday morning, great, I had to face Luke again today. I quickly got up and chose an outfit for the day which was a pair of high-waisted denim shorts with a cropped aztec print top. I chose some sandals to go with the outfit and put them on. I tied my hair back in to a messy bun and applied the usual foundation, concealer, eyeliner and mascara. I finished my look off with some nude lip balm. 

I quickly packed my bag with the books for today and checked my phone, to my surprise, I had a text from Luke.

"Message From: Luke,

Meet me at 8.10 today outside, think we need to talk?"

Oh great, one of these "talks". I really wasn't in the mood but I text back a quick "ok" and looked at the clock that read 7.30am. I went downstairs and ate breakfast saying a quick hello to Sarah who was getting my brothers ready. I then went back upstairs, cleaning my teeth before checking how many views my new Youtube video had got overnight. Wow. 5000 views. I usually got 200 maximum which was family, a few friends and some random people. I decided to check Twitter to see if there was a hint to where these views had come from. As soon as I logged on, I saw I now had 6,700 followers compared to my 1,000 I had before I went to sleep and a few mentions from some verified people I instantly recognised.

@LawsonAndy: Just been notified of an amazing cover of our song "You'll Never Know" by @JessMitchell_, you can check it out here! *Youtube link*

@LawsonRyan: You must see this amazing cover of You'll Never Know by the beautiful @JessMitchell_. I love it, it's awesome! :D *Youtube link*

Lawson had seen my cover of their song and liked it! Wow. I was in utter shock. I replied to both tweets saying thank you and I also saw that all four members of Lawson had followed me, pretty much a dream come true. I decided to quickly changed the bio on Twitter from the slightly cringey one I currently had to make it less awkward if even more people followed me.

Hey, it's Jess. Music obsessed, I love bands. Singer & aspiring producer. Check out my covers here: *Link to my youtube channel*

I quickly saved it and saw the time was 8.05am so I turned off my computer and went downstairs. "Morning Sarah" I smiled. "I saw your video, it's amazing" She smiled. "Yeah so have 5000 other people" I laughed. "I'm proud of you, your Dad said he's got a surprise for you when you get home too as a congratulations" She winked. Dad and surprise never came in the same sentence, I wonder what that'll be. I said bye to her and grabbed my bag and phone and set off to meet Luke even though I wasn't sure if I even wanted to.

I stepped outside and felt a warm breeze. I love the weather when it's like this. I looked a few metres down the pavement outside my house and saw Luke stood there. 

"Hey" I smiled. He looked up from his phone and put it in his pocket.

"Hey Jess, I love your video" He smirked.

"Thanks, 5000 views is crazy for me!" I laughed. 

"You feeling any better today?" He asked. 

I guess the whole video thing had taken my mind off Luke a bit. It was one of those things that was only a temporary distraction, so as soon as Luke mentioned it again it was the centre thought in my brain again.

"A bit I guess" I told him.

"I'm always here for you if you need me" He smiled, giving me a quick hug which was a bit awkward as we were walking at the time. 

We arrived at school and met up with Calum, Michael and Ashton. Calum gave me a huge hug saying that he saw the video and the tweets from Lawson. I still couldn't believe it! I only realised then that Luke hadn't had this "talk" with me. I guess it'll have to wait until later.

School went really quickly and Luke stuck with us today. I didn't see Megan or Trisha all day so I don't know what happened with them. Over all it was a better day than I thought, especially when I figured out that I only have three weeks left of high school! I know I'll have the exams after that but atleast it's only Music and Politics exams as the other subjects were just fill ins since it was my A Levels. 

I walked home with Luke and we talked about what my Dad's surprise could be. Neither of us had any idea at all so I told him that I'd text him once I found out what it was. As we got closer to my house, Dad's car was on the drive which was strange as he's never home before me. I walked in the door and saw him sat in the kitchen talking to Sarah.

"Hi Jess" He smiled, "I think you should go in to the living room" he laughed. I was a bit confused by kicked my sandals off in the hall and put my bag down before I walked in to the living room. I put my phone in my pocket and opened the living room door.

Well that was unexpected! How did they get here?!

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