Chapter 14

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About an hour later, we arrived at the beach. Michael and Ashton immediately ran for the sea while Luke, Calum and I sat down on our towels on the sand and talked for a bit. A few minutes later, Ashton ran back and dragged Calum in to the sea with him leaving just Luke & I.

"What are you doing tomorrow babe?" Luke asked, with the cutest smile I've ever seen on his face.

"Nothing, why?" I asked him, we never plan to do anything on a Sunday.

"Well my Mum's cooking dinner for some family and close friends and I was wondering if you want to come?" He asked me, looking a bit nervous that I might say no.

"Of course I will, if that's okay" I smiled. That was when it clicked, I'd be meeting his family. I'd already met his Mum once or twice but I'd never met his Dad or any of his other family. What if they don't like me?! Stop thinking negative Jess, it'll be fine. 

"Want to go in the sea?" Luke asked once the boys had returned.

"Sure" I smiled, taking off my t-shirt and shorts, just leaving me in my bikini. 

I looked around to see four boys with their mouths wide open. What, I wasn't a model or anything.

"Shut your mouths or you're gonna catch flies" I smirked making my way to the sea. When I was a few metres away from the sea, I could tell Luke was very close behind me.

"Sorry, we couldn't help the fact you're hot" Luke smirked in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist and his bare torso touched my back.

"Lets go for a swim" I winked, walking in to slightly deeper water, Luke following me. 

We'd been in the water for about five minutes when Luke came up behind me before turning my round and pulling me closer to him so our noses were almost touching.

"I love you Jess" He whispered, just loud enough so I could hear him.

Wait.. he what?! He LOVES me?! 

"I love you too Luke" I smiled before I realized what I was saying. Before I knew it, his lips touched mine gently and it was the perfect moment until Ashton came over to us and splashed us with water asking us if we wanted ice cream.

We both accepted the offer and went over to sit with Michael while Calum and Ashton went to get the ice creams for us all.

Once they'd come back, we all decided that we'd had enough for the day as it was getting a little bit colder and we would have a BBQ at my house once we got back and had all dried off.

We packed everything up and got in to Ashton's car and he drove us home. While we were in the car Alix text me.

"Message From: Alix,

See you've been chillin' with 5SOS again, there's pictures of you and Luke everywhere ;) Al xx"

Wait, what?! There were pictures of Luke and I together all over the internet, they'd already been rumours after we'd posted the cover together. I showed Luke the text and he logged on to Twitter on his phone.

@Luke5SOS: I'm just confirming the rumours that @JessMitchell_ & I are dating :) Couldn't be happier! Xx

Damn he's so cute! I quickly RT'd his tweet before going on to Youtube to find a lot more views on my videos. I really didn't expect this, and I had no idea where I'd be without 5SOS and Lawson.

When we got back to my house, my Dad agreed to cook the barbecue for us so that we didn't risk burnt food or food poisoning. We all went and sat in the back garden and waited for the food to be cooked as we were all starving. 

Once we'd eaten the food we decided that we'd go in the pool because although it was outside, it was heated so we didn't have to worry about getting cold. We all got changed before jumping in.

We didn't really do much apart from talk, as that's what we tend to do best as a group.

"Have you ever thought about putting up a cover, as in all five of us?" Luke asked.

We all looked at each other as in it was the best thing we'd ever heard.

"That would be amazing" Calum smiled, ruffling Luke's hair. We all agreed that we'd film the cover next weekend because one or more of us were busy every night this week. 

First of all we had to decide what song to sing...

"Obviously, He's Out Of My League" (Luke Hemmings)Where stories live. Discover now