Wayne had wanted me to call him when we left so I text him telling him I was leaving the office to call me when he had a chance. I had just buckled Maliyah in her car seat when the phone started ringing, I answered it grinning, "hey sexy." Wayne laughed, "that how you always answer the phone, I'mma have to start watching you." I grinned, "boy chill out I knew it was you." Wayne said mhmm causing me to roll my eyes. "So how is little momma." I sighed as I started the car, "a cold, I'm on my way now to pick up her prescription." Wayne and I talked until I made it to CVS. Maliyah and I ran in and I was grateful that they had her order waiting on me. Paying for the prescription I thanked the tech and headed out.

As soon as we made it home I fed Maliyah some baby food and a bottle before giving her some of her medicine. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep. Taking her to her room I laid her down making sure to prop her up a little. Melonie called with some wedding details and we scheduled a sit down for the next week. I called and talked to Fallon and was relieved when Ryan answered the phone actually acting like a grown up and handing over the phone without a fight. Fallon was excited to tell me about everything she had been doing and I know she talked my ear off for an hour before she handed Ryan back the phone. Hanging up I went to check on Maliyah and saw her still asleep. My poor little girl didn't feel good. I decided to stay upstairs in my room and play on the computer until she woke up.

The rest of the week seemed to fly by, Maliyah was feeling better, I guess the medicine was doing its job. I dressed in a blue jean skirt and a black ruffled shirt kissing Maliyah bye before I headed out. The drive to the doctors office was crazy, the traffic was horrible. I had never been so glad to get to a place in my life. I parked my car in the parking garage heading to the elevator. Exiting I signed in and took my mountain of paperwork to my seat with me.

The visit didn't take too long, I wasn't far enough along that she wanted to do a sonogram, she just wanted to go ahead and get the lab work done. According to my last period I was 5 weeks pregnant, she was surprised that a pregnancy test picked it up but she did say the over the counter test were getting better. We made my next appointment for a little over a month later, I would be 10 weeks by then. Dr Chan gave me a hard time about getting pregnant so soon after Maliyah. I laughed at her knowing she was just kidding with me. Leaving the office I was excited to know Wayne would be home for my birthday the next day and I could surprise him with the news.

That night after Wayne called I had almost talked myself into not telling him until I was further along but I already knew I wouldn't be able to hide the news when the morning sickness started. Besides I was horrible at keeping secrets from him he always knew when I was hiding something. I didn't really want to do anything big for my birthday so we had planned on going out to eat with a couple of friends. I could have done without going out I wasn't really in the mood to be around a bunch of people but Wayne always insisted we do something. I wasn't the party person he was but he always seemed to drag me into his shit.

Waking up the next morning I jumped in the shower before Maliyah got up. I took the extra time and straightened my hair that way I wouldn't have to worry about it tonight. When Maliyah did wake up we went downstairs and I feed her and put her in the swing as I made myself some cheese toast. I hadn't heard from Wayne yet and I was kinda bummed out that he hand't texted me happy birthday. My phone was blowing up with people wishing me a happy birthday but the one person I wanted to hear from nothing. Hell even Ryan had text me happy birthday. I had no clue when Wayne would be home, he had always gotten out of telling me what time his flight out was leaving.

By lunch I was frustrated that I hadn't heard from him. I had dressed Maliyah in ruffled dress and some black tights and she was fussing at me from her walker. I knew she was getting sleepy so I went and fixed her a bottle. I heard my phone chime as I was in the middle of feeding her and I had hoped it would be Wayne but it was from Brooklyne asking me what I was going to wear tonight. I sighed telling her I didn't know yet. I had finally had enough so I sent Wayne a text saying "hey." I sat my phone down staring at it waiting on it to chime but it never did. I ended up taking Maliyah to her room to sleep and when I came back down he had still not replied. I shook my head refusing to cry. I sent Brooklyne a text back letting my aggravation out about Wayne. "My phone has been going crazy with people telling me happy birthday, you know the one person who hasn't said a word to me all day. Wayne, that's who." She sent me a frowny face back. "Maybe he is on his way home, what time was he flying in." I sighed, "no idea, am I wrong to be mad." I kicked my feet up on the recliner, "no I would be too, I mean he could have at least sent you a text." I made a face, "yeah well I text him and he never replied, ugh that ass in in trouble."

Life with Tunechi: Third bookWhere stories live. Discover now